Wolf Creek Academy Incorporates Web-Based Learning Program for Students

New learning system provides greater choices in curriculum.

Mars Hill, NC - Wolf Creek Academy, an emotional growth school for troubled teens and young adults, ages 13 to 17, is pleased to announce the addition of a new feature to its academic program for the 2009 - 2010 school year. A new, state-of-the-art virtual learning system has been added to classrooms, offering students the same benefits of completing courses at traditional schools.

"Wolf Creek Academy is unique because our students are able to learn at their own pace," said Dr. Patricia Jones, co-founder and director of Wolf Creek Academy in Mars Hill, North Carolina.

"This new system will make the learning process even easier for our students," she added.

Current students at Wolf Creek Academy have welcomed the new addition, which will incorporate traditional classroom teaching along with live chat support and web-casting. Each student will have constant supervision by Wolf Creek Academy's certified staff members, who will be available to assist students upon request.

The new learning system by Wolf Creek Academy also affords greater choices in curriculum and provides a more enjoyable way of learning through multi-media presentations. The curriculum is aligned with national and state standards and has nationally recognized accreditation.

"We are excited about the new features that will help our students succeed, both academically and personally," said Jones.

About Wolf Creek Academy

Wolf Creek Acadmy works with at-risk teens, ages 13 to 17, and creates individual education plans (IEPs) for students. With certified faculty members on staff, Wolf Creek Academy offers students the same opportunities afforded to other students in public or private schools, with the ultimate goal of reunification with families or graduation with a high school diploma. For more information, visit http://www.wolfcreekacademy.org or call 1-877-477-9653.

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Tags: Education, mars hill, NC, north carolina, patricia jones, school, wolf creek academy

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Dr. Patricia Jones
Press Contact, Wolf Creek Academy
Wolf Creek Academy
Mars Hill, NC