Woman In Dorset Cures Fear Of Flying Phobia, With A Bit Of Tapping

A women in Poole, Dorset has recently cured her 30 year old phobia by using an alternative therapy known as EFT.

Dorset, UK - A women in Poole, Dorset has recently cured her 30 year old phobia by using an alternative therapy known as EFT. The lady, Lesley, approached local EFT Coach Mel Trudgett as she was due to fly to Australia just 2 weeks later, but at that point was unable to get on a plane due to her severe claustrophobia and fear of flying.

Mel Trudgett, the owner of Healing That Feeling said "When I first met Lesley, she told me that her relative had booked the flight for her as they were determined to see her, but they knew that she would never get on a plane by choice. She really wanted to go, but at that point she was completely unable to even imagine going to an airport, never mind getting on a plane, her phobia of enclosed spaces such as lifts and aeroplanes was so severe."

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) has many sceptics, but is said to overcome the most extreme negative emotions simply by tapping with the fingertips on various meridian points around the body and repeating phrases that are relevant to the issue.
Tens of thousands of people around the world now use it to solve their negative feelings; from soldiers coming home from war to people wanting to overcome their eating disorders, but it is still relatively unheard of in the UK.

"Usually EFT is just one of the many techniques that I use to help clients, but in this case Lesley's phobia was so severe that we were unable to do most of the other techniques, such as visualisations, that I would normally use. So we just tapped."

Lesley had just two sessions of EFT in the 2 weeks prior to her flight to Australia, but amazingly was able to get on the flight without any ill effects or panic attacks. "Anybody that suffers with a phobia will tell you that it is one of the worst extremes of emotion that you can possibly feel; you are completely out of control."

Mel Trudgett "EFT is fantastic for dealing with extreme emotions such as a phobia but the possibilities are limitless with it. I've even used it to help children suffering with exam stress. The best thing about EFT is that it works even when nothing else does. You don't have to continue suffering with negative emotions"

The technique is free to learn and there are many free ebooks or videos online that will help you to get started if you would like to tap away your negative emotions.

However, if you have any complicated emotional issues such as past trauma or a phobia, Mel Trudgett recommends that you go to a Practitioner. "Not only will it be less stressful for you when dealing with the emotions that rise to the surface, it will actually cut down the time it takes. Lesley's phobia was multilayered and it would have taken her months to cure it by using EFT on her own, but we were able to help her in just two sessions."


Tags: Cure a Phobia, EFT, Emotional Freedom, Healing That Feeling, life coaching, Negative Emotions, Phobia

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