Women Entreprenurship Retreat Announced For March 9-11

Women Businesses Owners and Executives Come Together at Asilomar in Monterrey, CA to Help One Another Grow and Prosper in Their Businesses and Lives. The activities take place over the weekend of March 9-11. http://womenentrepreneurshipretreat.com/

WOMEN ENTREPRENURSHIP RETREAT ANNOUNCED FOR MARCH 9-11 Women Businesses Owners and Executives Come Together at Asilomar to Help One Another Grow and Prosper in Their Businesses and Lives

The Women's Entrepreneurship Retreat, a weekend long event, which begins on Friday March 9, 2012, at the Asilomar Conference Center in Monterey, CA, has announced its line up of speakers and workshops leaders including Denise Brosseau, the co-founder and first CEO of the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and co-founder of the Springboard Venture Forums, The full list of keynote speakers and the weekend agenda are available at: http://womenentrepreneurshipretreat.com/

"As a women entrepreneur, CEO and business founder, I realized a need for support and mentorship with the aspects of my business where I'm not an expert," said Oscia Wilson, CEO & Founder of Boiled Architecture, and Co-Executive Director of the Women Entrepreneurship Retreat. "We founded the Women Entrepreneurship Retreat with the objective of bringing business women together for a weekend full of mutual learning and support - not the top-down and piecemeal method of learning you can get from taking courses or attending lectures here or there."

"We are very excited to be able to bring together this dynamic group of women - all of whom bring a wealth of experience and resources to share," said Jessi Reel
Program Director, Women Entrepreneurship Retreat. "We expect an active weekend of exchange with every attendee contributing her vision for a better business environment for women entrepreneurs."

Women Entrepreneurship Retreat is a 3 day summit for innovative women in business, education, and social entrepreneurism. Key Features of the retreat will include: Negotiation: Effective Interpersonal Communication; Building Effective Environments; Differentiation and Marketing; and Strategizing for Scale.

For full details on the event, speakers and agenda, visit: http://womenentrepreneurshipretreat.com/

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:

Jessi Reel
Program and Co-Executive Director
Women Entrepreneurship Retreat

Oscia Wilson, AIA
Co-Executive Director
Women Entrepreneurship Retreat

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Tags: business training, entrepreneur, feminist event, Retreat, small business, women, women entrepreneur retreat

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