Work Shield Strengthens Fight Against Workplace Toxicity Through Partnership With RSquared

Artificial Intelligence Platform Identifies Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Issues; Work Shield Solves Them

Work Shield | RSquared

​​Work Shield and RSquared announced a strategic partnership combining their human and data-driven approaches as a complete solution to combat workplace harassment and discrimination. Work Shield’s reporting, investigation and resolution services paired with RSquared’s cloud-based artificial intelligence platform will allow for quicker identification, analysis, and resolution of toxicity and inappropriate workplace behavior. This means better companies and cultures, as RSquared identifies issues and Work Shield resolves them.

Work Shield is the only benefits-focused solution that utilizes specialized legal professionals and an innovative technology platform to investigate and resolve workplace harassment and discrimination issues. With Work Shield, employees have access to an immediate and impartial platform to safely voice harassment and discrimination incidents without fear of retaliation, and employers have peace of mind that issues are investigated and resolved efficiently, risk is mitigated, and company culture is protected.

Work Shield’s solution can now be provided to all existing RSquared clients, and clients of Work Shield will have access to RSquared’s artificial intelligence capabilities. RSquared utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing to provide secure monitoring and analysis of email, instant messaging and other digital communications, giving employers valuable insight on employee engagement, sentiment and attitude. The trends and data identified by RSquared’s platform will allow Work Shield-certified legal professionals to analyze the activity of individuals involved in investigations and determine patterns of toxic behavior.

With diversity and inclusion more important than ever, this partnership is the first of its kind to provide employers with valuable metrics and data surrounding employee satisfaction while demonstrating employer proactivity and heightened security for employees.

“We have data proving that no matter how dedicated an employer is to prevention and training, or how tight their culture is, no company is immune to harassment or discrimination,” said Jared Pope, founder and CEO of Work Shield. “The analytics and trends provided by RSquared will be monumental in both the prevention and investigation processes, giving employers a comprehensive plan to make their company inclusive and safe for employees.”

“By combining forces with Work Shield, we are giving our clients assurance that once our platform is implemented and data collection identifies trends and toxic behavior, they will have a trusted partner to take the next step to investigate the issue and ensure workplace cultures are protected,” said Dan Udoutch, co-founder and CEO of RSquared, “This full-service solution will give employers and employees peace of mind that they are being protected and that action is being taken to ensure their safety.” 

About Work Shield

Work Shield is the only solution that partners with employers to efficiently manage reporting, investigation and resolution of workplace harassment and discrimination issues in their entirety. For the first time, employees have access to an immediate and impartial platform to safely voice harassment and discrimination incidents, while employers are ensured peace of mind that issues are investigated and resolved by Work Shield-certified legal professionals. The Work Shield solution fosters a more positive and open workplace culture comprised of integrity and trust. Learn more at

About RSquared

RSquared is a pioneer in the nascent Workforce Intelligence market, which replaces the time-consuming and costly manual surveying of employees with real-time analysis of employee digital communications. RSquared is a cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) platform that assesses the state and health of an organization’s culture by delivering immediate, actionable insights via a secure online executive dashboard. Learn more at

Bolt Public Relations
(469) 371-5641
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Source: Work Shield


Tags: artificial intelligence, B2B, business announcement, workplace culture