Workout Addiction Recovery: Helping People Fight Their WAR on Addiction
Online, October 11, 2011 ( - Workout Addiction Recovery (WAR) announces a new approach to conquering addiction through the WAR program. Drugs and alcohol have become a major problem in the community, and it is only showing signs of getting worse. The WAR program is unique, in the action-based learning, where participants actually learn a new lifestyle through fitness, nutrition, and progressive concepts. It is a program that is set up for progress with therapists, psychologists and a dietician on staff to provide educational information on how to manage and overcome addiction.
Workout Addiction Recovery is an elite program based on sound, effective principles and concepts. WAR is not affiliated with AA or the 12-step program. WAR's focus is on the future, not the past. The WAR concept is to get the endorphins going through the gym aspect of the program; where participants will be apart of an elite strength & conditioning program. Following the gym, participants go straight into the classroom while their endorphins are in full force from the gym experience. The classroom is where the mind is exercised, and put into action on the concepts that are discussed.
"I designed the WAR program based on the lifestyle I created for myself, to help with my own struggle with addiction," said Workout Addiction Recovery founder, Dustin Hawkins. "Through WAR, they can replace a bad addiction, with a healthy addiction, and get high through fitness, nutrition, and self improvement methods; they can create a new healthy lifestyle for themselves; a lifestyle full of confidence and self understanding."
Dustin Hawkins grew up in Ogden, Utah where he excelled in baseball and took a scholarship to Wichita State University, playing four years as a student athlete. Dustin was then drafted to the Houston Astros where he battled numerous injuries, resulting in back and shoulder surgery, attributing to his addictive behaviors. Dustin's struggle with addiction led him to create Workout Recovery Addiction or WAR to manage his addiction issues, regain a positive lifestyle and focus on new character attributes.
"The WAR program creates a healthier community as a whole. The new lifestyle produces a group of individuals that are both strong in mind and in body and are able to handle all that life throws at them through a clear lens," said Workout Addiction Recovery member and advocate Ryan Combe. "WAR gives people the opportunity to experience a healthy new life, one with confidence and natural peace, without the use of harmful substances."
The WAR program is accomplished through the following initiatives:
The Classroom: There is organized curriculum, in which participants will be given WAR journals. These journals are the heart and soul of the WAR program. In them, the curriculum and classroom design will be clearly stated, which then allows the participants to personalize their journal, and to write in depth about different journal topics, weekend assignments, and experiences - all of which are discussed and talked about in the classroom setting.
The Gym: Participants will learn how to use fitness as a tool to stay on track, which will help them to gain confidence as their fitness levels increase, and body composition changes. It becomes a sport for the participant in that they continually work on mastering the WAR movements, increasing their loads, and constantly getting better times on the metabolic conditioning workouts, as well as the interval training.
WAR Strength & Conditioning: Those individuals who graduate from the 12-week WAR program, then have the opportunity to progress in to the WAR strength & conditioning program, which is an advanced program that continues to develop them both physically and mentally. They also help others learn the WAR lifestyle by providing support and mentorship as they move through the WAR program, guiding and leading them to graduation.
Open enrollment for WAR's next session ends November 7, 2011. For more information about enrollment please call or email Dustin Hawkins.
About Workout Addiction Recovery (WAR)
Workout Addiction Recovery is a twelve-week program that consists of two six-week sessions: the Black Session & the Red Session. The WAR program incorporates WAR lifestyle coaches, therapists, psychologists, motivational speakers, a dietician, and various life skill methods, all of which will revolve around fitness and nutrition. WAR is not a rehabilitation program; it is a program for those individuals who struggle with addiction, and need a new lifestyle to help them stay on track, and not relapse. WAR is an opportunity for those individuals to learn a new life long lifestyle that will help them fight their WAR on addiction.
Dustin Hawkins
Workout Addiction Recovery
[email protected]
Tags: addiction, community, fitness, Health, lifestyle, recovery, utah