World News: "Famed New York Writer Gary Beers Releases His Debut & Dual Two Book Masterpieces "October" a Poetry Work, and His Erotica Trilogy Novel "The Passing of Time" Says Hella Ann Stacey of White Horse Book Publications, USA

World over writer Gary Beers releases after some ten-years written work time his collective-debut of his poetry volume, 'October' and 'The Passing of Time,' a short story trilogy novel based upon his own experiences of erotica! Both featured books have they been those placed unto the literary marketplace Wednesday April 5, 2017. Because of the sensitive nature having a personal reflection...

Novelist Gary Beers guides us through his erotic journal, ‘The Passing of Time,’ his first trilogy of short stories, demonstrating the author’s versatility with his various styles of writing.  In... Part One of “Cosmic Erdello,” Mr. Gary Beers demonstrates a medieval style of writing as he tells the biblical story of Cosmic Erdello, the God of Love, who, like many of us humans, falls prey to sins of the flesh and, thus, loses his station in life all because of love.

Gary Beers exhibits another of his many talents in Part Two of a “Sonnet of a Wishful Encounter,” as he makes use of an Irish dialect and his extremely descriptive approach to make his readers feel like they are part of the story while he brings us into the world of the characters. This is a story with which most of us can identify.  Part Three of Mr. Beers’ trilogy, “A Letter of Recollection,” depicts his journey from childhood into maturity, detailing some of the true-to-life hardships and obstacles he endured, for which he credits his success today!

"'Famed Yonkers, New York made fledgling, made he a starving artist writer born of Yonkers, New York named, Gary Beers! He made tis of two of his works those released as a dual book publication unison his debut poetic masterpiece volume, "October" and, his erotica trilogy novel, "The Passing of Time…" This was it one said aa was it by spokesperson Gina Hemmings for New York City's Own Golden Vintage Publications! This was it just made it one done shortly after was it today around midnight early Wednesday morning by a phone call conversation she here had it herself in was it one made it wit

Miss Hella Ann Stacey , MBA, Publicist

Now with Gary Beers’s poetry volume, ‘October’ is a colorful and compressed book of fall stanza poems and that had it also written purposely in the New York Autumn Time of the year for the strict enjoyment of adult lovers to read. Uniquely written in the morning, afternoon, and nighttime, October is again for lovers that offers them all a taste of Autumn, giving each the spirit to nestle with one another and to share those special moments on those cold, dark nights.   

Herein with this book, is Gary Beers’s very own method of poetry, named, him, as free-flow-poetry comes alive at its best...right in the palm of your hand.  You will be one person so very amazed as you become part of the author's thoughts and made one with the world of fall. Become one with Mr. Beers as he brings you into the world of October!  October by Gary Beers is also a fable and parable poetry prose work of poetic spells.

First off, a fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized (given human qualities, such as the ability to speak human language) and that illustrates or leads to a moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be added explicitly as a pithy maxim.

A fable differs from a parable in that the latter excludes animals, plants, inanimate objects, and forces of nature as actors that assume speech or other powers of humankind. Gary Beers describes a parable poetry prose work here with his October as is it one of a succinct, didactic story in prose or verse, which illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles.

It differs from a fable in that fables employ animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature as characters, whereas parables have human characters.  A parable, Gary Beers says, is a type of analogy.  

Some scholars of the canonical gospels and the New Testament apply the term "parable" only to the parables of Jesus, though that is not a common restriction of the term. Parables such as "The Prodigal Son" are central to Jesus' teaching method in the canonical narratives and the apocryphal.

You can purchase ‘The Passing of Time’ by Gary Beers for only $1.49 at You can also finally purchase “October” by Gary Beers for a lone at $2.99 once again at the world over  an Online E-book store.  Enjoy!

Source: White Horse Book Publications, USA


Tags: American Writer Gary Beers; Poet Gary Beers, Author Gary Beers, Beers, Gary, Novelist Gary Beers, Playwright Gary Beers; New York Writer & Author and Famed Americ, Writer Gary Beers

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