Worldcom Public Relations Group Announces Its New Regional Board Members For 2011-2012
Online, October 19, 2011 ( - WORLDCOM Public Relations Group (Worldcom), the world's leading partnership of independently owned public relations counselling firms, today announced its regional board slate for the remainder of 2011 and 2012. In addition, the global partnership announced the addition of two new partner firms to its roster of independent agencies. Established in 1988, Worldcom, a partnership comprised of 107 firms, in 91 markets, across six continents, operates through a Group Board and three regional boards - one each in the Americas, Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (AP). Worldcom partner agencies occupy leadership positions in the world's major public relations professional organisations and business communities, globally.
"We are proud to have leaders of the top independent agencies around the world serving on the boards of each of our regions," said Matt Kucharski, Chair of Worldcom Public Relations Group. "Individually, they are amongst the best in the field, and collectively, they are a part of a global partnership that supports the communication and marketing needs of local, regional and international corporations, offering companies a global reach."
The Americas Region has elected the following new board members:
Regional Chair: Dorothy Pirovano, CEO of Public Communications, Inc.
Chair Elect: Todd Lynch, VP, Director Public Relations, St. John & Partners
Marketing Chair: Lauren Peters, President of PetersGroup Public Relations
Partner Retention Chair: Lisa Simon, President of Simon Public Relations
Practice Groups Chair: Tim Oliver, President of Morgan & Myers
Other board members elected for the 2011-2012 term by the Americas Region include: Angelica Consiglio (Planin, São Paulo, Brazil) Latin America/Partner Recruitment; Virginia Sheridan (M. Silver Associates, New York, NY) Immediate Past Chair; Elizabeth Sosnow (BlissPR, New York, NY) Online/Interactive; Sharon Linhart (Linhart PR, Denver, CO) Meetings; Francie Israeli (John Adams Associates Inc., Washington, DC) Peer Review; Sandy Hermanoff (Hermanoff Public Relations, Farmington Hills, MI) Professional Development; Aileen Katcher (Katcher Vaughn & Bailey Public Relations, Nashville, TN) Treasurer; and Stefan Pollack (The Pollack PR Marketing Group, Los Angeles, CA) Chair At Large.
The EMEA Region has elected the following new board member:
Chair Elect: Imma Folch, General Manager of LF Channel
Treasurer: Crispin Manners, Director, Word of Mouth Communications of Kaizo
The AP Region has elected the following new board members:
Regional Chair: Cindy Payne, Managing Director of Asia-Pacific Connections
Immediate Past Chair: Doug Wright, Chairman of WrightsPR
Membership Co-Chair: Tom Van Blarcom, Managing Director of TQPR Thailand
Treasurer: Gina Lee, Managing Director of Communications Plus
Secretary: Michelle Lam, Senior Account Executive of A-World Consulting
The newest worldwide partners include Realidades, based in Lima, Peru, which focuses on working together with the Peruvian government to promote social programmes and other government-driven projects and The Garrity Group, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which specialises in issue management, crisis communication, media relations, government relations and social media.
About Worldcom Public Relations Group
Established in 1988, The Worldcom Public Relations Group, is today the world's leading partnership of independently owned public relations counselling firms, with 107 partner agencies worldwide, in 91 markets, in 46 countries, across six continents. With more than 2,100 employees, and revenue of more than US$260 million, partners collectively serve national, international and multinational clients seamlessly, whilst retaining the flexibility and client-service focus inherent in independent local agencies. Through Worldcom, clients have on-demand access to in-depth communications expertise from professionals who understand the language, culture and customs of the geographic arenas in which they do business.
Tags: communications, public relations, Worldcom