World's First Smartphone Security Scanner That 'Sees' Concealed Weapons and Explosives on a Person, Non-Invasively and in Real Time, Launched

Over 8,000 SWORD devices already on preorder from corporate businesses

SWORD 3D Imaging & Scanning Device

The urgent challenge for security personnel to noninvasively scan people in real time and in public to detect and “see” if they are carrying weapons or explosives without physically searching them will soon be solved with the launch of SWORD by Royal Holdings Technologies Corporation (Royal Holdings).

Over 8,000 preorders for the SWORD device have already been received by Royal Holdings from corporate businesses in the United States.

The advent of SWORD marks a paradigm shift in the safety and security sector.

Barry Oberholzer, Founder

SWORD, the world’s first mobile 3D imaging scanner, attaches to a Google Pixel 2 XL smartphone and Apple’s iPhone 8 Plus. It is accessed and controlled via a fully customizable and dedicated app. From a distance of up to 40 feet, security agents or law enforcement personnel can scan individuals in a crowd or an approaching person of interest simply by pointing their smartphone at them with the SWORD device attached. They will be able to non-invasively determine if someone is carrying a weapon or explosive — all without the need for a physical search — and rapidly identify a person of interest. SWORD can be used to scan backpacks and handbags that are being carried or have been left unattended. It can also detect listening devices used for espionage and intelligence gathering.

A featureless outline of the person being scanned is displayed, instantly alerting agents to location and type of concealed weapons or explosives. Royal Holdings employs artificial intelligence (AI) to quickly crosscheck and verify weapons and explosives with its securely maintained cloud-based database. In addition, built-in facial recognition operating in real time compares suspects to watch lists for positive identification. SWORD operates globally and features real-time location sharing and generates real-time alerts in the event of a mass shooting, terror threat, or terror attack.

“The advent of SWORD marks a paradigm shift in the safety and security sector,” explains Barry Oberholzer, CEO and co-founder of Royal Holdings. “One portable and smart device effectively addresses the four main challenges that have been plaguing the industry in this age of mass shootings and bomb threats: portability of scanning devices; non-invasively determining if someone is concealing weapons or explosives, and if so, what type; and immediate and accurate recognition and verification of a person of interest.”

For law enforcement and security agents, SWORD increases safety and reduces uncertainty in challenging situations. Response time to possible threats is cut to mere seconds, empowering safety and security teams with vital information they can use to proactively diffuse or contain a potential threat – all based on previously verified data.

SWORD’s capabilities are built on a unique mobile platform developed by Royal Holdings, encompassing proprietary software integrated with AI, machine learning, and facial recognition capabilities. Never before has a device with SWORD’s game-changing features and capabilities been available on the market. (See below: How SWORD Works)

Available only to government agencies and corporate businesses, SWORD will prove to be an essential life-saving tool for law enforcement agencies, school and university security, executive protection teams, security companies, military personnel, border patrol agents, event companies, casinos, airports, and organizations involved in risk, safety, and security management.

SWORD can identify a wide array of hidden threats by comparing incoming data to a comprehensive database that Sentinel Technologies maintains of all known weapons and explosives currently in circulation. “Once a subject is scanned and the device verifies they are carrying,” Oberholzer continues, “SWORD uses AI and machine learning to rapidly identify material, shape, and size. Then, in conjunction with a 3D image of the knife, firearm, or bomb, all information is transmitted to smartphone mobile interface so the agent can evaluate the data and take appropriate action.”

The facial recognition feature identifies anyone in a crowd who matches a pre-loaded watch list and alerts the agent using SWORD. “Companies build their own custom database of persons of interest who may pose a threat to the organization, its employees, or customers. We can further expand that list by providing data on suspects from the terrorism watch list,” says Oberholzer.

Protection of privacy is a fundamental consideration in the development of SWORD. “This device will be used at mass events or places where people most likely already have a ticket. Privacy policies on those tickets apply, and in the majority of cases those policies inform people they will be subject to scanning,” adds Jaromy Jannard-Pittario, COO and co-founder of Royal Holdings. “SWORD doesn’t store any details of a scan. We don’t build and maintain databases of specific people companies look out for--they do that themselves. We solely provide the sharply focused technology needed to identify and verify people, weapons, and explosives.”

SWORD does not allow searches of the law enforcement partner’s database for additional information, and users cannot enter or modify information on the database. In addition, a user cannot randomly scan people at will to try and identify them: the system intentionally prohibits any features, which could be exploited to invade privacy.

All businesses, law enforcement and government agencies can now preorder SWORD from the Royal Holdings website, with delivery expected in spring 2019. Each SWORD unit purchased requires a monthly subscription. Design and utility patents are pending.

SWORD is part of Royal Holdings’ Sentinel Technologies solution suite, which develops and implements technologies that proactively and seamlessly deliver verified and actionable business and/or security information in a short, accessible format in real time to users before, during, and after a specific incident or event.  


How SWORD Works:

SWORD is based on a programmable 3D sensor that penetrates objects via radio frequency technology. When a security agent directs the handheld device at a person and begins scanning, an array of antennae transmits signals towards the individual, illuminating the area in front of the person. The same antennae receive returning signals which are captured and recorded by a System-on-Chip (SoC) integrated circuit.

SWORD simultaneously interfaces with two databases: one for weapons and explosives, one for persons of interest on a watch list developed by the user. The facial recognition feature scans the person’s face, checks the image against the watch list, and alerts the user if there is a match. Should an individual displaying threatening behavior not be on the watch list, SWORD can access an extensive, strictly managed law enforcement database.

All of these functions occur in milliseconds, giving agents in the field the edge they need to prevent or mitigate harm in a potentially life-threatening situation. The SoC collates all necessary data and transmits the resulting information to the mobile app interface which displays a visual 3D graphic of the data. The user can then determine the risk and threat level and take effective action.

The development and implementation of SWORD marks an exciting turning point in security enforcement that can eliminate or decrease the number of casualties incurred in an active shooter or terrorist scenario, giving security and law officers the facts they need to swiftly respond when every second counts.


About Royal Holdings 

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Royal Holdings is a privately owned technology company that develops verified information solutions that enhance the safety of education institutions, sports, business, and entertainment events that attract large crowds of fans and attendees. The company delivers proprietary technology-based solutions for its key markets through Sentinel Technologies brand. All development is undertaken in the United States. For more information:

Press contact:

Fortress Strategic Communications for Royal Holdings and Sentinel Technologies
​Evan Bloom, CEO 
Tel: 315-744-4912
Email: [email protected]

Source: SWORD


Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Facial Recognitian, Mass Shootings, Security, SWORD, Terrorism

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