World's Largest Range Of Cast Aluminium Heritage Gutters

Hall & Botterill, with the launch of the 6" Half Round and 4" Beaded Half Round Die Cast Aluminium Gutters, has the World's Largest Range of Gravity Aluminium Gutters and Fittings. Three things stand out with this company. Quality Service Price

Hall & Botterill.

With the launch of the 6" Half Round and 4" Beaded Half Round Die Cast Aluminium Gutters, has the World's Largest Range of Gravity Aluminium Gutters and Fittings.

The range comprises of 14 different Heritage Aluminium Gravity Die Cast Gutter profiles and fittings.

The Heritage Cast Aluminium Hopperheads, are enabling the conservation of our listed building history.

"If you have the Hopperhead, we can make it in cast aluminium"

Due to Heritage requirements the Victorian Anti Splash shoes are now available to all.

We are not here to re-invent the wheel, merely to enable yesterdays wheels not to be forgotten or lost forever.

The use of modern materials to reproduce Heritage Castings, enables the visual quality of our buildings to be maintained in a sustainable way for generations to come.

All our castings are made from 100% recycled aluminium and are 100% recyclable. Which from considerable energy saving investment, use 5% of the energy needed in 1995.

We view reducing our carbon foot print as a duy of us all, which we regard as a journey not a destination.

Three things stand out with this company.

Quality Service Price


Tags: anti splash shoes, cast aluminium gutters, Heritage, Rainwater

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Mr Alex Paterson
Press Contact, Hall & Botterill Ltd.