World's Most Popular Evangelist Warns: Unite the Republican Party or Lose America to Hillary Clinton

Dr. K.A. Paul believes that a Trump-Cruz Ticket is one certain method of stopping Hillary Clinton from becoming president. He believes that the two together can unify the party and the country and make America as great as it can be.

​Donald Trump and Ted Cruz as a joint ticket can defeat Hillary Clinton and not only unite the Republican Party, but bring the country together, and to a better place.

On February 26, 2016 the world’s most popular Evangelist, Dr. K.A. Paul, endorsed Donald Trump for President, believing the reasons he listed that Trump would make the most viable candidate. Today, in the strongest possible terms, Dr. Paul calls for a united, anti-establishment Trump/ Cruz ticket, cautioning that the party will otherwise loose America to a self-serving, pro-war candidate in Hillary Clinton who will further destroy America’s future and its very strategic role in an increasingly dangerous world. 

Donald Trump is a strong and committed leader who is more than capable of fighting on America's behalf

Dr. KA Paul, Founder, Global Peace Initiative

Paul said, “Donald Trump is a strong and committed leader who is more than capable of fighting on America’s behalf – a man who understands America’s growing trade deficits and how to balance a budget; a man not at all controlled by political or special interests; a seasoned job creator and businessman; Ted Cruz on the other hand is a principled yet deeply compassionate and prayerful man who will help bring wisdom, balance and a deft hand to matters of foreign affairs.” 

Having met with Donald Trump several weeks ago and spending time praying with Ted Cruz just days ago, Dr. Paul is convinced that despite their current sparring “inside the ring,” both have demonstrated the capacity to be close friends and working colleagues. Paul said, “Despite the heated rhetoric, both men actually love each other and share a deep love of this great nation.” 

He insists one would bring much-needed balance to the other, and that “only together can they unite and energize a fractured party and defeat Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ devotee, Hillary Clinton.” Otherwise, he says, they will both be defeated, regardless of which one wins the primary. He further says that the tactics establishment, pro-war Clinton is willing to use to win will “tear America apart at the seams.” 

Dr. Paul believes America, despite some costly mistakes, is nonetheless key to peace in the world. Because of this, he believes this is one of the most important election cycles in world history. Since January 14, Dr. Paul has forgone international peace rallies to met the Trump family, Ted Cruz, and The Southern Baptist president, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, who has been to India with Dr. Paul nearly two decades ago along with dozens of key evangelical leaders to witness crusades with hundreds of thousands in attendance. 

Billy Graham, Focus on the Family’s James Dobson, Southern Baptist presidents Adrian Rogers, Ed Young; along with Presbyterian Evangelism Explosion’s D. James Kennedy, the Former Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, Lloyd Ogilvie, Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright, syndicated radio host Chuck Swindoll, author Garry Smalley, Promise Keeper’s founder Coach, Bill McCartney, Basic Life Principle’s Bill Gotthard, and 20 other top leaders of all denominations have worked personally with Dr. Paul and his global ministry. Dr. Paul’s mission over the next eight months is to mobilize the leaders of 90 million Evangelicals to “Reach two to save America and to save the world.” 

He sees both Trump and Cruz as pro-peace outsiders, demonstrating their character by their shared anti-Iraq war sentiments, unlike establishment Democrats Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton, and Republican establishment chiefs, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bush loyalists who, despite claims to the contrary, locked arms and entered an unnecessary war that has destabilized the world to this day.

Dr. Paul is humbled to recall when God used him in Kenya East Africa to unite 14 political parties as one; in Ghana West Africa to unite a very divided leadership; and again in India to unite 13 disparate parties in 1995. As he meets and counsels with them he prays that these two remarkably gifted leaders, each with very unique skill sets, will set aside their differences and unite to once again restore America to the greatness it’s been blessed to enjoy.


Tags: Donald Trump, KA Paul, Ted Cruz

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