Writers On The Move Is Providing An Information-Packed May 2011 Author's Tour
Online, May 2, 2011 (Newswire.com) - Are you a writer interested in connecting with other writers, engaging in the writing community, and learning ways to improve your own writing?
Are you a book lover who wants to discover new reads and meet some wonderful authors?
Writers on the Move is providing an information packed May 2011 Author's Tour!
Writers on the Move is a group of experienced and new writers and authors of multiple genres who share their combined wealth of writing and marketing knowledge with all who stop by.
With award winning authors, such as Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Dallas Woodburn, and professional writers, such as Karen Cioffi, readers can gain an abundance of insight and information about various genres of writing and marketing.
Starting May 1st, 2011, and each day through to the 21st, a different author will be highlighted.
Be sure to check out the Feature Article for May:
"Writing is Like Rock Climbing" by Dallas Woodburn
Dallas is the author of two collections of short stories and assistant fiction editor of Sycamore Review. Her fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Dzanc Books "Best of the Web" anthology and her nonfiction has been published in Family Circle, Writer's Digest, and The Los Angeles Times. Her inspiring article will provide concrete tips for getting your own writing career off the ground.
If you're a writer or author, you won't want to miss out on the great information presented.
You can learn more about Writers on the Move and check out the author's tour schedule at:
Be sure to stop by daily and join in; and don't forget to leave comments!
Karen Cioffi is the founder and manager of Writers on the Move, as well as an author, ghostwriter, and freelance writer. She is also a member of the International Association of Professional Ghostwriters, the Professional Writers Alliance, and the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors.
Tags: author tour, book promotion, books, marketing, promotion, Visibility, writer blog tour, writing, writing tips