Writing: 100 Day Writing Challenge to Be Offered Again In 2011
Online, October 17, 2010 (Newswire.com) - The 100 Day Writing Challenge is a program for both new and established writers, and is currently in progress. The program's aim is to help writers to achieve the goals they set for themselves in 2010, in the final three months of the year.
Top copywriter, writing teacher and author Angela Booth, who's running the Challenge, says that she is amazed at the response: "I'm pleased that writers are finding it so valuable. The program is doing what I hoped it would: it's helping writers to discover their own abilities, as well as helping them to build productive writing skills and habits."
She says that in retrospect, the enrollment period should have been longer. She was unprepared for the popularity of the program: "It's obvious from the response that there's a real hunger for structure among writers. Writers tell me that they're getting more done with the Challenge than they accomplished in months, previously."
Angela is receiving daily messages from writers who missed out on enrollment, asking when the program will be offered again. She says that the program will be offered again in late 2011, and will have a similar aim: that writers end 2011 with the achievement of the goals that they set for the year.
She's also considering creating a mini Challenge, to be offered in 2011, because the Challenge format is such a benefit for writers.
For more information and updates on Challenge news, writers are encouraged to subscribe to Fab Freelance Writing Ezine, Angela's writing tips weekly ezine.
Angela offers several other programs for writers, including the popular Sell Your Writing Online NOW (SYWON) Web writing course. This course has helped many writers to develop full-time careers. Some have even started their own companies.
Details on the 100 Day Writing Challenge are available here.
Writers can find information on the Web writing course at the Sell Your Writing Online NOW (SYWON) site.
Angela Booth is a top copywriter, and writing teacher. She offers many guides, courses and classes to help writers to enhance their skills. She also provides inspiration and motivation for writers on her writing blogs. Angela has been writing successfully since the late 1970s, and was online in the 1980s, long before the birth of the Web. Her business books have been widely published.
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