Wrong 'Un By AP Wyatt - Move Over 50 Shades, Wrong 'Un Has Arrived!

Are You A Wrong Un? Read This Book And Discover The 'Darker' Side Of Life! Set in London, The East End, Essex and Eastern Europe. Relentless and cruel, with his Russian Crime Empire worshipping his every conquest, Yuri consumes each of his rivals....

The thing that really concerns me is how true and life like AP Wyatt's Wrong 'Un is;

"I worked as a police officer in London's 'tough' East End for 13 years, this book gave me sleepless nights. The story is so real, so believable. I knew about stuff like this, but hadn't experienced it first hand. I know the roads and places named, the Essex connection and the Eastern European mob involvement in organised crime in our great capital city."

"At times I could picture incidents that I had dealt with, knowing that 'something else' was involved, but never really being able to get to the bottom of it; before the 'job' was taken off me by hard looking men in plain clothes, who had the ability to stare straight through you…"

If you know London, the East End, or Essex; if you know anything about or read the newspaper reports about London's violent crime 'underbelly', this book you might think wouldn't surprise you.

Think again!

The book introduces spousal abuse of the worst kind, a harrowing experience and with it, a child's torturous neglect.

Living through the nightmare of what was once 'a happy home' in a small Russian hamlet, as the boy grows so does the isolation, the torment and despair.

Like most children the boy has dreams, dreams of a better future, a safer future; however these are just his dreams to escape the bitter reality of his young life.

Then one day, defending the family's scandalous reputation, a brawl results in the boys barbaric incarceration. Years of brutal servitude ensue before he is released as a young man.

Engulfed in merciless hatred, fists of steel and a razor sharp instinct, evil is this man.

All that is evil, Yuri is this man.

Relentless and cruel, with his Russian Crime Empire worshipping his every conquest, Yuri consumes each of his rivals. Exploiting the innocent and intent on expansion, he invades and brutalizes a vulnerable London.

A London where Harris, Detective, Murder Crime Scene Specialist, hardened to the misery of the East End, knows only too well the pain that the streets can deliver.

Fatefully, a twisted mind, screaming insanity and intent on slaughter slices the paths of both Harris and Yuri.

Swallowed by circumstance and battered from all directions Harris stands alone and fights for his very survival.

"You've got to read this book!, Sweet dreams... As if... I couldn't sleep properly for weeks!"

"My mind goes back to 2011 and the 'soft' viral launch of 50 Shades Of Grey. Early adopters feeling smug whilst reading their amazon kindle, because they'd discovered an unknown and knew something we didn't..."

Wrong 'Un is unusual, in that it's already doing well in sales and hasn't yet to have got any media interest. It's being passed from friend to friend virally in a similar fashion as other ebooks of the genre.

Recent developments tell me this is soon to change!

For further information on the latest ebook phenomenon or to read reviews already submitted, please click WRONG 'UN, or contact us below.


Tags: amazon, AP Wyatt, book, crime, East End, Eastern Europe, ebook, Essex, Harris, London, mafia, psychopath, Russian Mob, Yuri

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