XBOSoft Delivers Presentation on Testing Web Applications at Applied Sciences College of Beijing Union University

Philip Lew, CEO of XBOSoft, recently spoke at the Applied Sciences College of Beijing Union University, Beijing, China. His presentation addressed the topic of testing web applications when there is inceased user group variation.

Beijing, China - Phil Lew, CEO of XBOSoft, recently spoke at the Applied Sciences College of Beijing Union University in Beijing, China. Students at the university pursuing associate and bachelor degrees in computer science and software engineering were among the attendees. Lew's presentation addressed the topic of testing web applications and in particular, the special considerations required for performance testing web applications when there is increased user group variation. "Testing web based applications requires a different approach and mindset when compared to the conventional software applications of yesterday. User diversity, behavior and the platforms they use are all magnified" explained Lew. "Performance deserves special emphasis as even the most prolific feature set and functionality will be termed a failure if users walk away due to slow performance. And now with SaaS business models, they can leave and sign up with another software vendor in minutes" added Lew.

The presentation was part of a series arranged by the University to enhance the students' curriculum with guest lecturers bringing real world experience. It also introduces students to local companies in preparation for their entry into the job market. "This venue is an excellent way to for XBOSoft to fuel its growth with highly enthusiastic young students." Lew commented. "Surprisingly, technical challenges are not high on their list of hurdles. Rather, transitioning from exams and writing academic reports to a job and life outside of school is the biggest challenge."

"Feedback from students was positive," reported Professor Dai from the Beijing Union University. "The students really enjoyed Mr. Lew's talk, especially on the issues in adapting to work life and how to deliver value to the customer. Those are lessons that they can't get in a typical classroom setting."


Tags: ICWE 2009, software testing, software testing outsourcing com, web application, web application testing, web application usability, XBOSoft

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