XCEO, Inc. Introduces the LinXsus® Pro Talent Management Platform™ and BASEdna™

The "Right Tool" for Talent Management and "High Potential" Executive Succession

XCEO is excited to announce the official launch of the LinXsus® Pro Talent Management Platform™, a product offering that provides organizations and Human Resource Professionals a comprehensive, rich solution, to identify and develop high potential talent, and to inspire effective levels of performance and contribution. As participants in the LinXsus® Pro Talent Management Platform™, high potential candidates will have an opportunity to “tell their story” by cataloging and calibrating their professional BASEdna™ skills and experiences and build their professional leadership profile.

The LinXsus® Pro Talent Management Platform™ suite of products includes company-initiated and self-initiated exercises. The company-initiated, Business Attributes, Skills and Experiences Analysis (BASEdna™) provides a platform where participants can record, and share with management, their professional career interests and qualifications in a secure and confidential manner. Self-initiated exercises launched by individuals include Extreme Personal Leadership® (XPL), the Individual Leadership Profile (ILP), BASEdna™ and additional cutting-edge assessments that are designed to help ensure the organization has a “Ready” supply of talent for executive succession.

XCEO developed the Business Attributes, Skills and Experiences Analysis (BASEdna™), specifically to guide individuals through an insightful and sustainable process to catalog their skills and experiences to build their professional profile. When implemented effectively, the BASEdna™ Analysis will ensure that the best- qualified candidates are identified, developed and selected, for organizational senior leadership positions. According to Dr. Curtis J. Crawford, Founder and CEO of XCEO, Inc., “It is exciting to introduce a unique and incomparable offering of products and services, which finally, and inextricably, integrates individual professional career aspirations with specific leadership needs of the organization in an unbiased manner.”

In mid-November, XCEO debuted the LinXsus® Pro Talent Management Platform™ at the 22nd Annual AEIS 2017: Advanced Employment Issues Symposium held at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Human Resource professionals were given a first-hand preview of the platform which sparked excitement and left many saying that “this platform was nothing like they have ever seen anywhere!”

About XCEO, Inc.

We partner with individuals and organizations to fulfill their governance and leadership development needs, including individual director, executive development, board and executive recruiting, on-boarding services, automated performance assessments and a secure board portal. Founded in 2003, XCEO serves clients ranging from Silicon Valley start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Source: XCEO, Inc.


Tags: BASEdna, dna, experiences, High Potentials, HIPOs, Human Resources, Human Resources Solution, skills, Talent Management, Talent Retention

About XCEO, inc.

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XCEO, Inc. is a boutique consulting firm focused on Extreme Personal Leadership and Enlightened Corporate Governance. We partner with high-aspiration individuals and corporations providing mentoring, development, recruiting and board portal services.