Xcode Life Releases Free Do-It-Yourself Tools for Ancestry DNA Raw Data Holders

Xcode Life has announced the release of a suite of free DNA raw data analysis tools catering to the personal genomics community. These tools help in getting the most value out of raw data from ancestry DNA tests from various companies such as 23andMe, Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA, MyHeritage, Living DNA, among several others.
Xcode Life's Interformat and Multimerge DNA raw data tools.

Xcode Life, a global personal genomics company has released a suite of free tools to help individuals with the analysis of DNA raw data provided by companies like 23andMe, Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA and My Heritage DNA.

The suite of tools addresses the need of the consumer genomics community interested in genealogical and health information from their raw DNA data. It is common for individuals to get their ancestry DNA test done by multiple companies such as 23andMe, Ancestry DNA and Family Tree DNA, among others. However, the raw data from these providers are not identical. Merging these data files can improve the information value to as much as twice of what can be obtained from a single raw data file.

A common question that you come across among consumers who use third-party raw data analysis tools is 'which raw data file do I upload?' and 'does my raw data file have a sufficient number of markers?' Correctly so, since different companies provide raw data files in different formats and third-party tools are selective in accepting raw data formats.

Dr. Abdur Rub, Chief Technology Officer

The Interformat Data conversion tool from Xcode Life allows conversion of raw data from one format to another. For example, one can convert their raw data from Ancestry DNA to 23andMe or from Family Tree DNA format to Ancestry DNA format.

Another tool, the Multi-merge tool, from Xcode Life, allows merging multiple genotyping files from several companies into a single file. For instance, if your 23andMe raw data has around 500,000 unique markers and your Ancestry DNA raw data has 300,000 unique markers that are not present in the 23andMe raw data file, then the merged file provides 800,000 unique genetic markers. The merged file has more genetic markers than the individual files. This may improve the genealogical and health interpretation significantly.

Once the raw data is uploaded, the converted files are emailed directly to the user's registered email address. The uploaded raw data file is automatically deleted from the Xcode Life server in 48 hours.

Xcode Life has plans to significantly expand the portfolio of do-it-yourself free tools to include whole genome or Helix to 23andme or any other format conversion and several other tools of interest to the personal genomics community.

Xcode Life was established in 2011 to provide Direct-To-Consumer genetic testing services. Xcode Life specializes in DNA raw data analysis and interpretation services including Nutrition, Fitness, Health, Skin, Allergy, Carrier StatusBRCA and Breast Cancer, Ancestry, Precision Medicine, Methylation and MTHFR reports. Xcode Life is the only company to accept all types of raw data in any format including genotyping and sequencing files.

They recently announced the launch of the South Asian Genome Project to address the under-representation of South Asian genomes in ancestry genome databases. They plan to launch several such ethnicity-specific genome projects for under-represented groups such as African, Middle-Eastern and East Asian populations.

Visit www.xcode.life for more information.

Source: Xcode Life


Tags: 23andMe raw data, Ancestry, Ancestry DNA data, DNA raw data analysis, Family Tree DNA data

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Xcode Life is a privately held personal genomics and biotechnology company founded in 2011. They specialize in providing expert-curated health and lifestyle related genetic reports to a global customer base.