Xelleon PLC (XLL) Direction Set, Focusing On Product Protection

Today Xelleon announced it had revised its plan to market to allow the company to stay sleek and nimble, and to drastically reduce time to market.

Xelleon PLC today announced to the Associated Press, that they have modified their plan to market. The reason behind this change, says company President Dale Scott Marion, is due to client reception of an expanded offering.

Marion wrote "The feedback we are receiving from industry leaders shows us we will not need massive servers around the globe and ivory towers filled with support technicians to provide our piracy protection system to giant corporations such as Cinema Now, NetFlix or UbiSoft. The fact is according to our sources these companies want everything located close to home. In their own servers."

The fact that companies such as these offer a data product such as a video game, movie, music or e-book like Amazon.com, means their profits are directly affected by piracy. Xelleon's technology plays a role in helping companies such as these boost profits by utilizing Xelleon's cloud technology to protect each data product served to a consumer, while offering an instant affiliate program to each purchaser, increasing marketing and viral sales of each product served using Xelleon's solution.

Marion explained, "Now instead of using hundreds of servers world wide to host terra-bytes of data, we've developed a licensing system now, where the client would have our impervio software and cognitive scripting set up on their servers, offering them a very short ramp up time to start protecting their content with our patent pending impervio protection." He continues on to say, "This now offers Xelleon the ability to move to market faster, with less upfront capital and to support larger deals with less overhead."

The release also noted that changes to the business plan, and five year projections will need to be made to reflect the lower cost of operation and higher expectations on profit, due to Marion's more focused plan of implementation. There was also mention that the corporate website would be modified over the next two weeks to more reflect the Xelleon that is ready to service its clients immediately.


Tags: amazon, Apple, Best Buy Cinema Now, Frankfurt XLL, Microsoft, netflix, UbiSoft, Xelleon PLC

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