Xelleon Positioned For Entry Standard (Frankfurt)

Xelleon Plc (XLL) confirms that several months ago Go Public Pros GMBH was hired and paid to accompany the move of Xelleon PLC to Entry Standard.

With regard to the announcement made by Deutsche Boerse on 6 February 2012 regarding an unconfirmed, potential closing of the First Quotation Board of the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, expected in the third quarter of 2012, Xelleon Plc (XLL) confirms that several months ago Go Public Pros GMBH was hired and paid to accompany the move of Xelleon PLC to Entry Standard.

The Xetra trading specialists of Renell PLC already support the designated sponsor Bank for Investments thus enabling a continuous Xetra trading of Xelleon PLC shares.

Furthermore, the preparation of a securities prospectus was left in the capable hands of a reputable law firm in Frankfurt. Xelleon has therefore initiated all necessary measures to execute the move to Entry Standard in the first half of 2012.

As part of the segment change transparency will also increase. This includes for instance the publication of semi-annual reports. Xelleon Plc will publish preliminary figures for the current fiscal year, which ends on 30th March 2012, likely in May 2012. Prior to the publication of these figures, a so-called "quiet period' applies.

Dale Scott Marion, CEO of Xelleon Plc, said: 'We are currently in the process of aligning the company in order to put it in line with the expected changes in the FSE rules. Because of this, we will put our focus increasingly on acquisition projects, marketing and sales. The collaboration with our strong partners, such as Bulzi, Goliath, Global Strategic and many others, shows promising results.'

'The industries which are particularly interesting to Xelleon are the ones that have high security leaks, and data transfer protection needs. Among these we find the music, email and private file security industries can aloow Xelleon to show its strengths the best. Our current models are very close to revenue,' adds Mr. Marion.

For More information see the xelleon website.


Tags: Frankfurt Stocks, How can a share price drop for n, stock market, Xelleon PLC

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