Xippa Copier Contract Review Saves A Customer 40% In Hard Cost Savings

Copier contract review and negotiation for end users with their vendor of choice. 100% Performance based, as all fees are taken out of savings. Managed Print Services and Copier Contract Specialist.

Xippa is a National company that is based in Seattle, Washington, and was created by Wade Cascini, an Attorney and long term veteran of the Copier and Managed Print Services (MPS) industry. Xippa's focus is on positioning the contract and pricing structure in copier and printer contracts backed by a lease to drive additional cost savings that customers can not get on their own. With a 100% performance based business model, there is absolutely no risk for a customer ... if Xippa can not save you money, there is no charge. Additionally, Xippa off loads a great deal of time from its customers while speeding up the overall copier vendor selection and negotiation process.

Xippa recently documented two case studies that are available for review on its website in the testimonial section. Upon closer review, both case studies have impressive outcomes and vary from a small copier contract to a 78 machine transaction of a world recognized account. A quick synopsis below can only be explained by Xippa's experience in knowing what to look for to get its customers the best possible copier contract structure and pricing available on the market.

For the customer with the small copier contract, Xippa's Founder, Cascini said: "After spending 15 minutes on the phone with the customer, I knew there was an opportunity for significant savings. This was a multi-vendor account with each vendor knowing the current spend. The vendors simply dropped their proposals to 10%- 15% below the customers current spend, and thought that was enough to earn the customers business. At the end of the day, the vendors were proposing at or above retail for the new solution, all predicated on saving money from the current spend. A 20 hour savings coupled with a 40% hard cost savings was realized by the customer, and the vendor charged a street price with a fair margin."

For the customer whose name is recognized through out the world - "We saved the customer over $140,000 or 12% from the best price they received in their bid process to the final copier contract price. Additionally, the customer saved over 80 hours of time by off loading its copier contract positioning and review to Xippa." Wade Cascini, Founder, Xippa.

The market is very poised for Xippa services as copier contract flexibility and cost savings are at a premium. Additionally, MPS and the contracts that surround the MPS service offering lends itself to significant time and cost savings opportunities with proper contract structure. Most importantly, Companies don't know where they may be in a year, so they must clearly understand how the copier and MPS vendors internally structure their copier and MPS contracts to avoid a problem in the future.

If you are within 6 months of signing a Copier Contract or Managed Print Services Agreement, you should consider Xippa's services. Take your best price from your vendor of choice and save time and additional hard costs or there is no charge, as all fees are out of savings. Go to Xippa.net or Call Xippa "that's Zippa ... with an X" today! (425) 898-1012.


Tags: Copier Contract, Copier Contract Review, Managed Print Services

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Wade Cascini
Press Contact, Xippa
704 228th Ave. NE, Suite 333, Sammamish, WA
Sammamish, WA 98074