Xlibris Corporation's Google Search Marketing Service Enhances Self Published Authors Online Presence

Self published authors can now become more visible online by targeting millions of Google users through Xlibris Publishing's Google Search Marketing Service.

In self publishing, authors must find ways to get their books picked up by readers. Using the Internet is one of the newest and most effective ways of promoting a self published book. The Internet is a powerful book marketing tool. It helps the author share their story to their target readers. However, putting up a website does not guarantee reader awareness.

Xlibris Corporation, one of the leading self publishing companies in the industry, recognizes the value of the Internet in spreading the word to a wider audience. They also know for a fact that millions of Internet users use Google to search for practically everything. And for that reason, Xlibris is offering authors a book marketing service that helps optimize the author's visibility online; the Google Search Marketing Service.

The Xlibris Google Search Marketing Service offers authors the chance to reach to as many Google users and lead them to a webpage where they can buy the author's book. The said online book marketing service is one great way of enhancing the author's exposure.

The said online book marketing service works by placing an ad of the author's self published book strategically on search results pages (words that are associated with the book). With Xlibris' Google Search Marketing Service, everything is assessed by a click. Once the campaign is complete, Xlibris will provide the author with a comprehensive report on keyword performance and the traffic that each keyword generates. This can be quite helpful in determining which keyword works best and which keyword the author must use on upcoming campaigns.


Tags: book promotion, Google Search Marketing, marketing service, Online book marketing, online book promotion, online marketing, online promotional campaign, promotional campaign, Xlibris Corporation

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