xocial and Paul Coffey Take Aim on Community Goals

"Shoot For Change" Is Winding Down, but Niagara and Manitou are Ramping Up!
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​xocial® (soh-shuhl) is a platform that aims to inspire and measure positive impact. It is built on the universal appeal of online ratings, the proven link between gratitude and happiness, and xocial’s hard-wired love of what they call “competitive kindness.” That’s why they partnered with one of the fiercest competitors to ever lace up a pair of skates, NHL legend Paul Coffey. Together they created the “Shoot For Change” competition.

The usually defensive-minded Hall of Famer has been firing shots on goals lately – community goals, that is! With an assist from Canadian Tire, World Gaming Network, and Booster Juice, the “Shoot For Change” initiative has had a massive impact on junior hockey players and all of those in their communities.

Hockey teams, friends, and families have been joining the fun at shootforchange.net to complete kind-hearted contributions and socially responsible challenges. There are some huge prizes up for grabs to keep the competitive juices flowing. The club that makes the biggest impact, and tops the leader-board will win a donation in their name to the Jumpstart Foundation. This will help sponsor underprivileged youth play in their league. In addition, there is $10,000 in individual prizes, a conditioning session with the Anaheim Ducks trainer Mark Fitzgerald, and a once-in-a-lifetime practice with the NHL hall-of-famer himself, Paul Coffey. When you add in a heavy dose of civic pride, it’s understandable why the action is ramping up as the competition comes down to the wire.

The buzzer will officially sound at the end of February, and with time still left on the game-clock, it’s already xocial’s most successful initiative to date. At the time of this writing, community crusaders have successfully completed just under 3000 challenges, most of which are socially responsible challenges that have had a real impact. For example,122 retirement homes have been visited. There have been 102 volunteers who have lent a helping hand to local organizations, and 63 players have donated their old gear to pay it forward to the next generation of juniors.

“I like that it has brought our team and community together by doing good deeds. A lot of talk about the challenge is happening around our small town!” says Erin Rondeau of the Manitou Tigers.

As competitors speed skate to the finish line, the individual leader-board is highly congested and far from over. With tons of personal prizes on the line, there will undoubtedly be numerous lead changes down the stretch. As for the team leader-board (which totals the score of all players on a team), the Niagara North Stars and the Manitou Tigers have dominated this competition and have distanced themselves from the pack. They have completed the lion share of the challenges and have been going deed-for-deed in a do-good duel that is sure to play out to the end. The Stars have a healthy cushion, but with both teams near a hundred registrants each, a late-game surge is not out of the realm of possibilities. It’s still too early to crown anyone just yet. In the meantime Paul Coffey anxiously awaits the winning club.

The “competition” is being hosted by xocial (www.xocial.com), an online community that supports and inspires the next generation of social responsibility. “Our mission is to measure and inspire acts of positive impact by issuing challenges to players in the spirit of Competitive Kindness,” says xocial CEO Colin Duetta. He encourages you to visit the website today because new initiatives are always happening as xocial continues to shoot for change one community at a time. Head on over to shootforchange.net to keep an eye on the leader-board and see how this one plays out. Who’s gonna win a practice with Paul Coffey?

xocial® (soh-shuhl) is a platform to inspire and measure positive impact. It is built on the universal appeal of online ratings, the proven link between gratitude and happiness, the power of the almighty algorithm and our hard-wired love of competition. Brands, organizations and individuals can use xocial to recognize day-to-day contributions in the classroom, workplace or community; create unique campaigns around a cause; and fund efforts that make a difference.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Dan Lewchanyn at 239-850-6211, or email dan@xocial.com.

Source: xocial


Tags: causemarketing, corporatesocialresponsibility, dogood, gooddeeds, hockey, icehockey, juniorhockey, nhl, payitforward, volunteer

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xocial® (soh-shuhl) is a platform to inspire & measure positive impact. It is built on the universal appeal of
online ratings, the proven link between gratitude & happiness, the power of the almighty algorithm, & our
hard-wired love of competition!