Xtreme Performance Lab Announces New Technology for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Brain Trauma in Athletes

Next-generation technology targets diminished function and network activity caused by concussions and other brain trauma while reducing the potential for future injury
Xtreme Performance Lab's NeuroPod PRO™

Between 1.7 and 3 million sports and recreation-related concussions happen each year, 300,000 of which are football-related, according to the statistics collected by the UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion Program.  More startling is that according to this data, five out of 10 concussions go unreported or undetected. While many collegiate and professional teams have standardized tests in place, performing baseline tests at the start of the season and implementing others during practice and game situations, these tests don’t do enough to fully identify the scope of injuries and lower the likelihood of future injuries. 

Enter Xtreme Performance Lab (XPL), the next generation of sports performance improvement technology. The company recently launched its neuro-physical based athlete training services, and today adds Injury Assessment and Recovery (IAR) via its exclusive NeuroPod PRO™ service delivery platform.

Using advanced brain mapping and analysis software, XPL technology can compare an athlete’s brain activity against prior baseline measurements to look for signs of new brain trauma, concussions, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Not only can this technology detect an issue, but it can also indicate the location and relative severity of the trauma. This vital information can be shared with medical staff to target recovery protocols and greatly improve treatment outcomes.

“XPL’s advanced brain mapping and qEEG technology is essential for baseline testing, accurate symptom identification, individualized treatment plans and quantifiable measurements regarding overall brain function,” states Michael Mark Psy.D., J.D., BCN, Director of Science and Technology at Xtreme Performance Lab. “It provides us the ability to measure network dynamics that are simply “invisible” to current diagnostic tools. We can now measure where the generators are in the brain that produce patterns that are significantly correlated with the severity of traumatic brain injury. This provides anatomical information about the regions in the brain that are deviant from baseline, enabling us to create recovery training protocols that target specific brain regions, symptoms and neural networks for improvement.”

Utilizing a patent-pending combination of industry-proven biofeedback and neurofeedback techniques, combined with the latest in real-time, 3-dimensional brain monitoring and imaging software, XPL’s NeuroPod PRO delivers the next generation of mental training and assessment services directly to athletes. Services include a comprehensive Performance Capabilities Assessment (like a ‘combine for the mind’), mental performance ZONE training sessions, ‘Game Day’ prep and recovery sessions, as well as the IAR protocols.

“Our goal at XPL has always been to enable athletes to be at their very best, which includes a focus on their safety and well-being,” states David A. Clarke, founder, and CEO of Xtreme Performance Lab. “Whatever the reason, too many athletes are continuing to play with brain trauma. This is a significant cause of further injury. XPL’s next-generation technology greatly improves trauma assessments leading to highly effective individualized recovery protocols. Athletes are now able to get back to optimal performance sooner, and at much less risk of future injury.”

To learn more about XPL and how it is creating the athletes of the future, visit www.xtremeperformancelab.com

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About Xtreme Performance Lab

The Xtreme Performance Lab (XPL) team has more than 30 years of experience training elite athletes, both mentally and physically, to reach their peak performance. XPL’s cutting-edge technologies enable it to help elite athletes identify, measure, train and reach “The ZONE,” the ultimate state of optimal performance. The company’s remote service delivery platform allows it to train anyone, anytime, anywhere. XPL offers the next generation of elite training that can turn natural ability into unbeatable performance. For more information, visit www.xtremeperformancelab.com.


Christy Olliff​
404-214-0722 x117

Source: Xtreme Performance Lab


Tags: athletes, football, Health, sports