Xtreme Performance Lab Provides Ontario Fury With Neuro-Physical Training Resulting in Exponential Performance Improvement

Xtreme Performance Lab-Trained Players See Substantial Results Across Goals Scored, Assists, Points, Blocked Shots and Penalty Minutes

 Performance Lab (XPL), the next generation of sports performance improvement technology, today announces results from its first control group study in partnership with professional indoor soccer team the Ontario Fury. The study, performed during the second half of the Fury’s 2018-2019 season, tracked the performance of five Fury players before and after XPL’s patent-pending combination of neurofeedback and biofeedback training. This innovative neuro-physical training technology, which XPL calls “QNPC” (Quantitative Neuro Physical Conditioning), starts with a comprehensive mental performance assessment, develops and implements a customized training protocol specific to each athlete, and actively monitors brain and body activity while each athlete develops the skills to self-modulate and get in “The ZONE” on demand.

The Ontario Fury partnered with Xtreme Performance Lab to improve several aspects of each player’s game. From increasing focus and emotional stability under pressure, to learning to self-regulate their bodies on demand during the heat of competition, the XPL platform can provide athletes the advantages they need to increase their performance levels on the field. An added benefit can include, through the use of the skills learned in XPL training, a better quality of life off the field and an improved sense of wellbeing.

“Xtreme Performance Lab mental training has really helped my players to develop the skills that help them perform on and off the field,” states Jimmy Nordberg, head coach of the Ontario Fury. “Mental coaching is the future of soccer training. It teaches self-regulation and equips my players with mental focus, which is really important in our game where it’s quick, and emotions run high. In those moments, when goals are scored, if we can win the focus battle, we maximize our chance of winning the game.”

The Results

To train the Ontario Fury players, Xtreme Performance Lab deployed its patent-pending NeuroPod PRO assessment and training system on location. This innovative service delivery method enables the delivery of a proprietary combination of neurofeedback and biofeedback training protocols, guided by live technicians via remote two-way audio and visual connections, to any internet-enabled location in the world. The study, which took place over 12 weeks, involved the training of 5 athletes (test group) as compared to a similar 5 player group without training (control group). The results below show a statistical performance comparison between both groups comparing actual game performance in the first half of the season, prior to any XPL training, and the second half of the season, following XPL training on the test group only. Results are shown as a percentage change by the groups from the first to the second half of the season, and a net comparison between their second-half performances.


Goals Scored Assists  Points  Reduced Penalty Points Blocked Shots
Control Group 30% -44% 0% -13% -62%
Test Group 41% 83% 56% +73% 44%
NET IMPROVEMENT +11% +127% +56% +86% +106%

Ontario Fury players that participated in the control group study will continue their mental performance training. In addition, the team plans to enroll its core player roster and begin XPL training as early as August in preparation for their 2019-2020 season. Ontario Fury players that participated in the control group study will continue their mental performance training. In addition, the team plans to enroll its core player roster and begin XPL training as early as August in preparation for their 2019-2020 season. “We were excited to see such great improvement in the statistical results of the players we worked with, especially compared to the control group that did not go through the training program,” states David A. Clarke, CEO of Xtreme Performance Lab. “In addition to these striking improvements in on-field performance, we were delighted to learn that the players in our study reported qualitative improvements in other aspects of their lives; such as improved attitude, reduced temper, and overall lower anxiety levels. I truly believe the XPL training system has developed in these players the skill to self-regulate their mind and body and get in ‘The ZONE’ on demand.”

“As an owner, it is always my goal to take my team to the next level of athletic performance,” says Jeff Burum, owner of the Ontario Fury. “We’ve spent a great deal of time considering ways to improve the mental ability of our players, and when we met the team at Xtreme Performance Lab, we knew their technology and training platform could do just that. We look forward to continuing our partnership and providing our players with the best training to improve their lives both on and off the field.”

For more study information, or to learn more about how XPL is using its NeuroPod PRO and exclusive QNPC technology to create the athletes of the future today, visit www.XtremePerformanceLab.com


About Xtreme Performance Lab

The Xtreme Performance Lab (XPL) team has more than 30 years of experience training elite athletes, both mentally and physically, to reach their peak performance. XPL’s cutting-edge technologies enable it to help elite athletes identify, measure, train and reach “The ZONE,” the ultimate state of optimal performance. The company’s remote service delivery platform allows it to train anyone, anytime, anywhere. XPL offers the next generation of elite training that can turn natural ability into unbeatable performance. For more information, visit www.XtremePerformanceLab.com.

About Ontario Fury

The Ontario Fury is the Inland Empire’s hottest professional sports franchise, bringing the fast-paced, high-speed action of arena soccer to the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, California. The team, which is part of the Major Arena Soccer League, is committed to advancing soccer at every level across Inland Southern California. Visit OntarioFury.com for more information.


Christy Olliff
(404) 214-0722 Ext. 117
[email protected]

Source: Xtreme Performance Lab


Tags: Health, Medicine, Sports