Yep Text - An Affordable Text Message Marketing System For Local Business and Individuals

With the recent release of Yep Text, a text messaging system, both individuals and local businesses can start taking advantage of this amazing tool. You can now build a list of people on your very own text messaging list and text them all at once

With the recent release of Yep Text, a text messaging system, both individuals and local businesses can start taking advantage of this amazing tool.

You can now build a list of people on your very own text messaging list and text them all at once. You can also build individual groups and then just text those groups.

The way you build your list is to reserve what is called a yep word. It is like a domain name only in the yep text messaging world. Only one person can have that yep word so you will want to reserve yours now. It could be your name, nickname, business, etc.

Once you have your yep word, say it is demo, then you simply tell people to text the word demo to 41242 and they will be added to your list and they will receive whatever message you have setup for new subscribers to receive.

Imagine if you own a local business, you could reserve a word like denverpizza and encourage people to text denverpizza to 41242 to receive a special discount or offer. You hire a text message marketing specialist to setup and manage your texting account. They then do some massive marketing to get as many people as possible to join your text list.

The next step is to start sending out texts to encourage these people to visit your business. Your marketing specialists that you hired will then test and track what types of messages work best, at what times, etc. to help explode your business. And the marketing will continue in order to get more and more people to join your texting list.

The possibilities are endless for any type of business. With the right experts managing your text message marketing campaign, you should be able to very easily double your sales in a very short period of time.

Whether you are an individual looking to manage their own Yep Text account or a local business looking for a text messaging specialist to manage their Yep Text text message marketing system, you are encouraged to reserve your Yep Word today.


Tags: text message marketing, Text Messaging, yep text

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