Yoga Festiville | 10 Days at the Soul of Yoga | June 5th-14th | San Diego
Online, May 8, 2014 (
Soul of Wholeness Module is a total Yoga Festiville!
June 5th-14th | You can go to one or all of these courses
The Soul of Wholeness section explores various philosophies and prescriptions of yoga practice used to create wholeness and healing on all levels of our beings. From the ancient to the more modern these concepts - scientific, experiential, philosophic, or mystical in origin - have been proven to produce profound effects on our bodies, minds and spirits. On this journey, guided by Master teachers and yoga researchers, you will be given the history, teachings and understanding to be able to utilize these powerful practices with discernment and competence.
Paramahansa Yogananda Teachings for the Harmonious Development of Body, Mind and Soul with Tom and Trisha Kelly
Thursday, June 5th ~ 1:45pm-5:15pm | Cost: $75
Modern science tells us that everything in the universe is composed of energy, and that the apparent differentiation between forms is merely a difference in their vibratory rates. The Avatar, Paramahansa Yogananda, taught that by concentration and will power our own energetic vibration can be consciously increased and directed to any body part; or released into space through the concentration of prayer to flow as a healing force to those in need — even if they are thousands of miles away. In this workshop Tom and Trisha Kelly will impart the scientific energy based exercises and affirmations taught by the Avatar Paramahansa Yogananda, so that you can begin to wield your own energy as a healing force for yourself and in the world.
Kinesiology and Yoga Therapy with Brian Dorfman
Saturday, June 7th ~ 1-5pm | Cost: $80
Kinesiology is the study of human movement which addresses physiological, mechanical and psychological mechanisms. Applications of Kinesiology include biomechanics, strength and conditioning, sports medicine, physical and occupational therapies. Understanding basic human kinesiology is also key to the understanding of Yoga Therapy technique.
In Kinesiological terms lower body pain in the back, hips and legs is often related to a compensatory walking pattern formed after previous injury, childhood trauma, childbearing, repetitive mechanics or even extensive sitting. This gait compensation can compound the initial problem as well creating additional issues.
In this workshop Brian Dorfman will provide students with the tools necessary to skillfully diagnose gait misalignments and apply the appropriate compensatory therapeutic asana. Helping your students develop a healthy walking pattern is something that will benefit them for their entire lives, on and off their mats.
The Bhagavad Gita's Lessons of Life with Tom Kelly
Friday, June 6th ~ 10:45-5:15pm | Cost: $100
The Bhagavad Gita, the most beloved sacred scripture of India, reveals the tools necessary to transmute our focus from the external world to the Divinity within us, where all healing originates. Reverend Tom Kelly will introduce students to the unmistakable and eternal wisdom of this timeless text to illuminate the perpetual human struggles that are at the root of all dissatisfaction, addiction and dis-ease. Students will experience the profound effects of practicing these life lessons from heart-centered prospective and learn how to shift one's consciousness from the limited dis-ease model into a state of unlimited potential for true healing to occur.
Mind, Body and Breath, exploring Pranayama through Neuroscience
with Stephani Sutherland, PhD
Sunday, June 8th ~ 1:45pm-5:15pm | Cost $75
Yoga and modern neuroscience are two systems with a common goal: to understand the human mind. Remarkably, yoga and neuroscience offer similar, often complementary findings about the workings of the mind and the nervous system. In this workshop dedicated to pranayama (seated breath practices), we will explore the energetic concepts of brahmana, longhana, and samana, and how appropriate application of pranayama practices can be employed to create varying effects on the nervous system and thus each and every cell of our body. These peripheral effects are carried out through nerves of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), including the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. We will explore the anatomy and physiology of the ANS and how it underlies the energetic effects of pranayama. Other concepts to explore will include samskara-how the brain makes patterns that underlie all our actions and reactions. Students will gain a basic understanding of the vocabulary of neuroscience with the expert guidance of Stephani Sutherland, PhD.
Anatomy of Yin Yoga with Joe Barnett
Monday, June 9th ~ 10:45am-12:15pm and 1:45-5:15pm
and ALSO on Tuesday, June 10th ~ 10:45am-12:15pm
Cost: $125
Yin Yoga, the practice of holding a floor passive pose for 3 minutes or more to access mobility in the connective tissue is sometimes misunderstood. What is this connective tissue? Where is it? And why should we stretch it at all? Join Joe Barnett, one of Yin Yoga's most respected teachers, as he reveals the truth behind the philosophy and physiology of Yin Yoga and its benefit to practitioners. Through a hands on interactive study of skeletal landmarks and joint range of motion Joe will lead you to appreciate natural anatomical variances and how they should inform you as a Yoga Teacher in adapting postures for different individuals. Students will come to understand what stretching connective tissue really means and how to discern and discriminate sensations such as Tension vs. Compression, Muscle vs. Fascia and Physical vs. Subtle Energy.
Yin and Restorative Yoga; Poses and Prescriptions with Flossie Park
Tuesday, June 10th ~ 1:45-5:15pm | Cost: $75
While sometimes Restorative and Yin Yoga are mistakenly thought to be the same practice with different nomenclature, they are actually quite different in both form and function. Restorative yoga is designed to remove stress from the body so it can fully relax, rest deeply and heal. Yin Yoga is intended to place an optimal amount of stress on the body, specifically targeting the connective tissue, to engender its peak performance. In this workshop Flossie Park will educate you on how to discriminate between, and teach the poses of, both restorative and yin practices. You will learn how to adapt the practices and the postures for each student's specific needs, knowing when to employ which practice and why.
American Veda with Phil Goldberg
Wednesday, June 11th ~ 1:45-5:15pm | Cost: $75
India's gurus and yoga masters have been transforming American lives for two centuries. In this workshop, Philip Goldberg, author of the celebrated book American Veda, will bring these powerful teachers to life with multimedia presentations, lively discussion, and deep experiential practices.
Through the magic of multimedia, we will bask in the inspiring presence of revered teachers like Yogananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Satchidananda, Muktananda, and others who have so profoundly impacted our culture, along with gifted Westerners—Ram Dass, Allen Ginsberg, the Beatles, and others—who transmitted India's wisdom teachings in unique and masterful ways. We will take away an expanded vision of our sublime yoga legacy and a repertoire of new practices to accelerate our progress to higher realization.
Iyengar's Use of Props with Roger Cole
Thursday, June 12th ~ 1:45-5:15pm | Cost: $75
Developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, Iyengar Yoga uses asana and pranayama as vehicles to access all physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of yoga as described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. It is characterized by great attention to detail, using directed awareness and precise body alignment to gain maximum benefit from each asana with minimum risk. Mr. Iyengar pioneered the use of props such as bolsters, blankets, benches, blocks, straps, and weights as therapeutic tools to enhance and enable the practice of yoga for all types of students, including those with physical limitations and to allow tired or ill students to also enjoy the benefits of the poses. This workshop will introduce you to the foundations of Iyengar yoga therapeutics and provide the knowledge for you to confidently employ the therapeutic use of props in your teaching and healing practices. Roger Cole will show you how to use these wonderful tools.
The Secret Power of the Yoga Sutras with Nischala Joy Devi
Friday, June 13th ~ 10:45am-12:15 & 1:45-5:15pm
and ALSO on Saturday, June 14th~ 10:45am-12:15 & 1:45-5:15pm
Cost: $175
The Yoga Sutras, considered to be one of the most revered texts of yoga, is thought to be more than 2,500 years old, These "threads" on yoga or union, are extremely terse, stating concisely and often precisely, essential points or techniques to achieving self-realization. Originally these teachings were passed on in the ancient oral traditions, intimately shared from teacher to student. Even today almost every translation of the sutras includes pages and pages of master commentary deemed useful to impart the correct teachings, methods and sacred wisdom necessary to achieve Yoga.
In this workshop Nischala Joy Devi will impart her heart-centered intuitive interpretation of the Yoga Sutras from her book - The Secret Power of Yoga. Nischala Joy Devi's is a divinely feminine perspective of the Yoga Sutras which offers students an opportunity to partake in the unfathomable sense of peace, emotional and spiritual enlightenment that is our birthright.
You can see now why we feel this is a total Yoga Festiville and are SOUL excited!
Copy and paste this link into your browser for more information about these and other upcoming events:
...and Yes, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter too. :)
Tags: Brian Dorfman, Flossie Park, Joe Barnett, Nischala Joy Devi, Phil Goldberg, Roger Col, soul of yoga, Stephani Sutherland PhD, tom kelly, Trisha Kelly