You Don't Want to Miss These Amazing Kundalini Training Opportunities with Guru Rattana | Encinitas/San Diego

At a talk with Yogi Bhajan in the 1980's Yogi Bhajan said "Guru Rattana will be the one who gets the teachings out to the most people." Come be wowed by the teacher that Yogi Bhajan had that kind of confidence in. What an opportunity for all of us!

The Soul of Yoga is honored to have Guru Rattana Ph.D. in our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training and for TWO Powerful workshops at The Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, CA.

Guru Rattana is not only a Phenomenal Kundalini Teacher and Teacher Trainer, but an accomplished Author as well. 

Go ahead and book right now because SHE is the best, and most excellent. Yes!! I confirm she is a Master Teacher of Kundalini Yoga. You cannot imagine her powerful beauty, such a pure soul... & divine. We Love Guru Rattana!

Sukhjeet Kaur, London, United Kingdom

Yoga Technology says, " author Guru Rattana, Ph.D, has published our popular and practical range of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation manuals since 1988." You can see why we are excited. 

200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, Training Dates: 
July 31-August 9 and October 25-November 1, 2014

The Journey into Radiance, Becoming a TEACHER!

This yoga teacher training is designed to teach you how to live. In fact, all facets of your life will improve as you deeply understand the intricate principles of Yoga. You will experience more authenticity in your relationships, success in business and conscious communication. Plus a happy, healthy, holy life!

The 200 hour course curriculum includes:
• Postures, Kriyas and Mantras
• Meditation and the Mind
• Breath, prana and apana
• The history of Yoga
• The origins of Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhjan
• Sound and Vibration
• Sadhana, your personal practice
• Yogic philosophy and psychology
• Code of Ethics of the Yoga Teacher
• Building a business and profession
• Practicum and Exam

Untold gifts await YOU! Your opportunity to manifest your dreams is here now. 

The most precious gift worth experiencing in this lifetime is knowing and expressing the authentic self. This course guides you to that joy and gives you the tools to amplify the energy and success in all your efforts. It's ideal for health practitioners, healers, mothers, business executives…YOU!

Your ability to connect with others and understand the energy of any given situation will become second nature. You'll experience the limitless joys of sharing this technology…teaching a yoga class, one on one with clients and friends and in your own, individual practice. Plus-here's the juice. It gains momentum and strength the more you do it. Joy will become the key ingredient to your success and your constant companion.

Check out the featured video of Guru Rattana through the eyes of her students below - following her successful Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course held on Big Island, Hawaii, May/June 2010. 

PLUS two added bonus Teachings by Guru Rattana are coming up:
Identify the Blueprint of Your Soul - Astrology and Your Spiritual Path
Saturday, August 2nd 1:30-5:30pm and Techniques for Inner Transformation - The Elements and the Locks, 
Friday August 8th 1:30-5:30pm at The Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, CA. 
Each workshop is just $45.

At a talk with Yogi Bhajan in the 1980's Yogi Bhajan said "Guru Rattana will be the one who gets the teachings out to the most people."  Come be wowed by the teacher that Yogi Bhajan had that kind of confidence in.

1st Workshop---
Identify the Blueprint of Your Soul - Astrology and Your Spiritual Path
Saturday August 2nd 1:30-5:30pm  Cost $45
Discover your soul blueprint, which is your special combination of the basic universal energies -- 2 polarities (stable and flowing), 3 modalities (G-O-D generate, organize, and deliver), and 4 elements (earth, water, air, and fire). In this workshop you will work with each energy
• to identify both its challenges and its gifts
• to practice transforming and uplifting lower expressions to higher frequencies
• to experience the inner power of your soul.
* Register in advance for this workshop to receive instructions on how to use your birth chart to identify your energetic make-up or soul blueprint. You need to do this before (and bring it to) the workshop!
Saturday August 2nd 1:30-5:30pm  Cost $45 

2nd Workshop--
Techniques for Inner Transformation - The Elements and the Locks
In this workshop you will learn subtle methods to create profound inner transformation using the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. Guru Rattana shares from her 40 years of daily personal practice how to activate, align, and uplift your energies, cultivate awareness, and live more conscious and contributory lives. You will learn how
• to work with the basic components of change and creation
• to awaken dormant powers with the sensitive practice of the locks
• to deepen your practice with simple and effective ways to use your mind and emotions
Friday August 8th 1:30-5:30pm  Cost $45

You can contact The Soul of Yoga if you should have any questions at 760.943.7685


Tags: Chant, Guru Rattana, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Soul of Yoga, Yoga Teacher Training

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Your Space for Re-Discovery! Re-Discover the Yogi in you with the most yoga styles in Encinitas & San Diego. Re-Discover authentic power with the most unique Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Marcia Frescura
Press Contact, Soul of Yoga
Soul of Yoga
627 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024
United States