Young Adult Author Chelsea Campbell Seeks Crowdfunding with Kickstarter for Trials of Renegade X, Sequel to Popular Teen Superhero Novel

Young Adult Author Chelsea Campbell Seeks Crowdfunding with Kickstarter for Trials of Renegade X, Sequel to Popular Teen Superhero Novel

Author Chelsea Campbell's first novel, The Rise of Renegade X, was published by Egmont in 2010. Due to popular demand, the author has penned a sequel, The Trials of Renegade X, which she is self-publishing. Campbell has created a Kickstarter campaign to help fund some of the associated expenses. Already the campaign has secured more than half of its goal of $2,000.

The Trials of Renegade X is the continuing story of Damien Locke, a child of a superhero and a villain, and his new life as Renegade X. Damien didn't choose for his supervillain mom to disown him - just because he sort of defied her and ruined her evil plans to take over Golden City - and he didn't choose for his superpower to be flying, a superhero ability that involves his least favorite thing: heights. But now that he's living with his dad's superhero family and enrolling at Heroesworth Academy, he's ready to embrace his new life, get his H, and finally belong somewhere. But belonging isn't as easy as signing up for classes, and Damien finds himself struggling to fit in more than ever. Just when he's sure his fate as a hero has been decided, though, he gets a new villain power that he can't control. And things only get worse when he accidentally screws up one of his sidekick Sarah's gadgets, altering her personality and turning her into a crazed, anti-supervillain vigilante - leaving him no choice but to team up with her annoying superhero boyfriend if he hopes to have any chance of getting the old Sarah back, before she captures - or kills - another supervillain like him.

If the funding goal is reached, Campbell plans to use the money from the Kickstarter campaign to pay for cover art by Raul Allen, the artist behind the first title's cover. Other expenses include purchasing IBSNs, Kickstarter and Amazon fees, plus taxes. No money is actually collected from pledges until after the Kickstarter reaches its goal. The campaign currently has less than 30 days to go, and has experienced success with over 20 backers.

Individuals who pledge certain amounts to the Kickstarter will be able to receive an incentive, as follows:

$10.00 or more - A copy of the e-book a month before initial release, plus their name listed as a superhero or supervillain, plus superpower listed in a "thank you" section of the novel

$15.00 or more - All of the above, plus a swag pack of sticker, bookmark and a "Superheroes do it with capes" button

$25.00 or more - A paperback copy of the novel, plus an e-book, and "thank you" mention

$30.00 or more - Paperback and e-book copies of the novel, plus a swag pack, and "thank you" mention

$50.00 or more - Special Kickstarter edition paperback of the novel dated, signed and embossed, an e-book, the swag pack, and "thank you" mention

$75.00 or more - Limited edition hardback of the novel, signed, dated and embossed, an ebook, swag pack and "thank you" mention

$150.00 or more - All of the above, plus a chance to name a minor character in the novel

$200.00 - All of the above, plus a limited edition crocheted plush of a character of choice done by the author. Add $15.00 for shipping and handling

Campbell is excited to share Damien's next chapter to eager readers. "I wrote this sequel because, even though for a long time I thought there would never be another Renegade X book, I still couldn't let go of these characters and their world. Years after the first book came out, readers were still hoping for a sequel. Then I was inspired by an author whose six book series had been canceled after book five, and so he self-published the last one so readers could still finish the series. And I thought, 'Why can't I do that?'"

For more information on Chelsea Campbell, her books, and the Kickstarter, please visit


Tags: author, crowdfunding, fiction, publishing, sequel, superhero, teens

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