Your Golden Ticket To Hormonal Happiness

July 9, 2012 - Boston, MA: Living with headaches, joint pain, memory loss and hot flashes --it's no wonder you're irritable. Thinking a trip to the doctor is your golden ticket to a happily balanced hormonal life, think again.

Not only do you have to live with these miserable symptoms now you've been instructed to keep a log of all gritty details. Did your doctor forget about the memory loss?

Thanks to Andrea Moran and her newly developed iPhone/iPad app, BioDesk, getting that golden ticket just became fast and easy.

After having a hysterectomy the middle aged mother of two began living with the help of bio-identical hormones. Struggling to keep track of her every move and thought her doctor appointments were spent talking about issues, not solutions.

"Even if I did keep a decent log it was just too difficult to flip through the pages and try to deduce a common denominator, even for my doctor." said app developer, Andrea Moran. Still, accurately tracking hormonal symptoms is the best way to make impactful medical adjustments --and that is exactly what BioDesk does.

The BioDesk iPhone app is specially designed for women and men taking bio-identical hormones. BioDesk allows you to quickly and easily track your menopausal and hormonal symptoms. In turn, enabling you to easily understand how you are responding to different medications.

The app lists over 40 symptoms to be tracked as well as provides the flexibility to add in additional symptoms. Once a patient has selected their symptoms, they will be able to rate them each day as none, mild, moderate, or severe. BioDesk then conveniently displays this information, including the level of severity, on a graph. This graph can simply be e-mailed to your healthcare physician directly from the app allowing for fast and easy evaluation.

The BioDesk iPhone app also features a built-in laboratory reference and an extensive glossary to help you make sense of technical medical terms.

The iPhone version is available in the iTunes app store for download at, the iPad app can be downloaded from hormonal-tracking/id522436634?ls=1&mt=8

"The response to the app has been encouraging, especially amongst women going through Menopause. We plan to be constantly updating the app at regular intervals to suit the needs of our app users. Update of Calendar function in our new app release is one such step in this direction." says Andrea Moran.

BioDesk makes tracking symptoms easy for patients and recognizing patterns quick for doctors all to enhance your quality of life. For more information on BioDesk please, visit

Contact Detail
Name:- Andrea Moran
Company Name: Truand LLC
Address:- 78 Troon Way, Mashpee, MA, 02649-4144
Phone No:- 508-477-1095
Email:- [email protected]


Tags: Hormones, ipad app, iphone app

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Andrea Moran
Press Contact, Truand LLC
Truand LLC
78 Troon Way
Mashpee, MA 02649-4144
United States