Your invitation to access more franking machine discounts

New dates announced for MailSave+ Optimisation Event, in conjunction with and TNT.

MailSave+ Optimisation Event is a complimentary, invitation-only event taking place at a Village Hotel near you. You simply can't afford to miss this if you want to get the most out of mail and postal optimisation.

What is MailSave+?
In today's deregulated postal market all dispatch and facilities managers must look for the most cost-effective way to send out business critical documents. MailSave+ is a new and unique service that gives you the choice of postal provider and discounts when you send your mail.

Who is it for?
Small to medium sized businesses and public sector bodies whose mail volumes do not meet the traditional pre-sorted or Cleanmail volume criteria.
Postrooms who want a cost effective service for non time critical traditional second class mail.

What are the benefits to you - the customer?
• Reduced cost per item on every item
• Lower volume thresholds attract discount on every item
• Volumes can be averaged to meet collection minimums
• Collections times that are convenient for you
• A cost-effective and flexible way of achieving daily mail discounts

The Mailing Room is a leading supplier of mailroom equipment and consumables including franking machines, postal scales, folding and inserting machines and letter openers. The Mailing Room is brought to you by an alliance of FP Mailing (North West) Limited, FP Mailing (South) Limited and FP Executive Agency Limited.

The following three locations and dates for the MailSave+ Optimisation Event are as follows:
Village Hotel Walsall Thursday 9th September 2010
Village Hotel Bury Wednesday 15th September 2010
Village Hotel Elstree Wednesday 6th October 2010

For more information on MailSave+ from The Mailing Room, visit


Tags: franking machine, franking machines, mailing, office

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Press Contact The Mailing Room Franking Machines
The Mailing Room Franking Machines
Waterfold Business Park
Bury, Lancashire