Your Time Publishing, LLC and Author Sherry Milam to Launch, The Red Feather

The Red Feather a children's book about the New Orleans Mardi Gras Indians to launch May 1, 2011.

Sherry "Leddy" Milam wanted to make sure the children of New Orleans knew the history of the Mardi Gras Indians so she literally wrote and illustrated the book. Ms. Leddy, as she's known to the students at the Martin Luther King Library branch, has been a storyteller, a performance artist, and now an author.

A red feather tumbles down the street on a sweet Mardi Gras morning; a curious boy follows. The music begins and he is lead on a true and magical adventure with New Orleans' best kept secret. The Mardi Gras Indians!

This book is written as a cultural archive. To capture a part of history that is not known on a broader scale. History is made by common people doing the right thing; it is our everyday lives, our struggles, and what we do with them. Our stories let us remember the past, so that we can make change in the future. If you know where you come from, you know where you can go. Icons (that we can identify with) in history are chosen to give us strength and hope. The Mardi Gras Indians are one of these icons.

Your Time Publishing, LLC and Sherry Milam invite you to ask for The Red Feather in your local or online book stores. For interview and contact information, Paula Tromp 504 606-9462., [email protected]. Media Kit available upon request.


Tags: Louisiana History, Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras Indians, New Orleans, traditions

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