Launches to Provide Real, Honest Feedback on Personal Questions is a free web site that allows users to post questions and receive answers and feedback anonymously from their friends, family and co-workers.

When asking friends "personal" questions, people often won't get a truthful answer, as it may lead to hurt feelings. Using social networks, such as Facebook, to get opinions can also lead to arguments and disagreements. To provide a venue to get "real" answers to the tough questions, consumers can now use, a first-of-a-kind, free web site that allows users to post questions and receive answers and feedback anonymously from friends, family and co-workers. Now everyone can find out what people really think of them!

YouTell allows users to easily connect with friends from Facebook and Twitter, post questions and invite them to answer. When the friends respond, the user does not know the names of the respondents, only if they are a friend, family member or co-worker. YouTell understands that it is not always easy to be honest if the response is uncomfortable, therefore the site allows for honest and open feedback. Users can also upload photos and videos and request opinions.

One of the creative minds behind YouTell is 13 year-old "tech wunderkind" Daniel Singer. Daniel, who had the original idea for YouTell, has been instrumental in developing many of the unique features of the site and in creating YouTell's overall online presence. In addition, he is responsible for creating the site's user-friendly lay-out and response system.

Questions posted on YouTell can be about anything: job performance, thoughts about a new boyfriend/girlfriend, if friends like a new dress or hairstyle, financial issues, parental style, etc. In addition, a special section has been set up on YouTell for election and political related issues, as these types of topics tend to be controversial and lead to major disagreements. Questions posted in the Election forum will be open to all YouTell users to answers, not just the user's friends.

"YouTell was created to provide a forum for receiving anonymous, honest, useful feedback and to find out what people really think of you," said Daniel Singer, co-founder of YouTell. "We know that it is hard to say what you really feel on Facebook or Twitter, because you might worry about the response. With YouTell, there is finally a way online to get the truthful information and opinions that can actually make a difference and can help you improve various aspects of your life."

A video showcasing how YouTell works is available at:

About YouTell is a free web site that allows users to post questions and receive answers and feedback anonymously from their friends, family and co-workers. By providing solutions and honest evaluation, helps individuals foster an accurate self-image. With its unique and innovative methodology, YouTell provides reliable, accurate, and truly anonymous feedback.

Glenn Mandel
Escalate Communications
[email protected]


Tags: facebook, Free, YouTell

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Glenn Mandel
Press Contact, Escalate Communications
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1004 Harrogate Lane
Matthews, NC 28104
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