Youthing Essentials Announces National Story Contest Winner Sindy Martin
Online, July 24, 2010 (
Youthing Essentials recently sponsored a story call-out contest asking for true-life heartfelt stories from people who wanted to share their health breakthrough. The contest entrant was asked to submit an account of their experience in 1000 words or less contestants related the change to an event that quickly motivated them to adopt a complete lifestyle makeover. Each story also demonstrates how that change impacted their productivity, careers and businesses in a positive way. The first place prize went to Sindy Martin, of High Point NC, who is the CEO of Smartin International. She inspires companies and individuals to Smartin-Up their Professionalism to attain success and happiness through her keynote presentations, seminars, workshops, lunch-n-learns and personal coaching sessions on Etiquette, Workplace Civility & Business Professionalism. You can read her inspiring story here at: Winning Story.
Youthing Essentials ( prides itself in making it easy to choose precise solutions for specific challenges. Harriet Diamond, founder and nutritionist, personally conducts rigorous testing processes to rate, compare and review all potential products to be part of the Youthing Essentials Collections. The company focuses on solutions for clear thinking, multi-tasking, energy, better sleep and better digestion and performance. Business women go to surprising lengths to do it all, and need a straightforward plan to preserve balance," says Harriet Diamond, who herself struggled to stay healthy and productive while juggling leadership roles at work, home, and in the community. Unlike 'anti-aging' which connotes fear of getting old, the term 'youthing' connotes enthusiasm: embracing our whole selves at optimal levels now and for years to come.
Diamond's new guide, Invest in Your Health to Accelerate Your Career and Business: A Youthing Essentials Guide for Business Women, is available at Guide For Business and is aimed at helping businesswomen work smarter, not harder when it comes to their health.".
It's tough to drive your business forward if you don't feel your best. Youthing Essentials provides a unique collection of products that women executives need to take good care of their health so they can stay at the top of their game despite stress, travel, and a packed schedule. When you tap into Youthing Essentials, it takes only minutes a day to keep your nutrition, brain, fitness and skin in top shape -- so you can drive your business forward. Learn more at or call 888.802.1980
Tags: optimal natural health, women and business, youthing