Zayed University Students Mark World Social Work Day

Students send out positive messages on tolerance, dignity, and diversity

Coinciding with the World Social Work Day, Zayed University students and academics gathered to highlight social workers efforts and recognize their invaluable contributions to society in a special ceremony held at Dubai campus.

The World Social Work Day, which is observed on March 17, has been celebrated at the United Nations in New York for over 30 years by the International Association of Schools of Social Work, the International Federation of Social Workers, and the International Council on Social Welfare.

The celebration was held under the theme of “Promoting the dignity and worth of peoples” and “Towards an undivided humanity”, particularly in the face of violent extremism and the unprecedented refugee crises that affects people all across the globe.

The one-day event saw a large number of students and academics, who participated actively to contribute to national development initiatives that call for ideological openness, diversity, and acceptance of others’ viewpoints, whether intellectual or cultural.

“The social work focus at the UN this year was on the refugee crises. Zayed University students have successfully dealt with salient themes in respect of famine, refugees, racism, and unity in diversity, with inviting and informative displays, including posters, awareness brochures, and videos that they produced to mark the occasion,” Vishanthie Sewpaul,  Professor at the College of Education, said.

“UAE is one of the greatest examples of tolerance and acceptance. It rejoices differences and welcomes diversity. Therefore, Zayed University has always been committed to highlight and value contributions that social workers make everyday to create a difference in their local community and throughout the world. Zayed University students certainly contribute to national development initiatives,” Sewpaul added. 

Students expressed their excitement to engage in and celebrate Work Social Day at Zayed University.

One student said:  " I felt extremely happy to be part of this service learning project. We sent out important messages about acceptance, tolerance, diversity, dignity and unity. It was a very-well organized and exciting day to be part of.”

Another student said: "Preparing in the World Social Work Day has been very rewarding.  We learnt a lot about social work , which is a practice-based profession that promotes social change, social cohesion, development, and empowerment of people. Celebrating Social Work Day gives us a great opportunity to showcase the profession and to keep it growing into even stronger profession.”

Additionally, Zayed University students produced a four-minute video that highlights the plight of refugees. 


Tags: Zayed University, Zayed University students, ZU

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