ZiggityZoom a Parents Destination Website
Online, January 5, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Virginia Beach, VA - Developed initially as a website for young kids, ZiggityZoom.com has now also become a hot site with both parents and teachers as a go-to resource. The parenting section deals with up-to-the-minute health topics, nutrition, education, parenting and family activities. The kids area of ZiggityZoom deals with both Fun and Educational games, stories and printables. Teachers are using the site for classroom computer time focusing on some of the simple games that help develop mouse skills and also activities that can be incorporated for the entire class. Stories are appropriate for beginning readers which parents and teachers, alike, have applauded.
The recently formed Children's Advisory Board for ZiggityZoom.com, which was created to provide developmental direction and consultation regarding creative, educational and literary content, childhood health and parent education, is composed of experts from around the country that share a commitment to children's development and well-being. Board members contribute up-to-the-minute articles on information that is relevant to parents.
Ziggity Zoom LLC maintains a network of family-oriented websites and is the parent company of ZiggityZoom.com, a Fun & Educational website devoted to pre and school-age children and their parents. The site is free with educational worksheets, online coloring, online games and online stories with audio. The site also features easy family crafts, recipes, activities and free printables. A parenting section deals with informative articles on parenting, nutrition, preschool and elementary education, kids' health and social development. For information, contact [email protected] .
For Sponsorship opportunities, contact [email protected] .
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Kristin Fitch, CEO
Ziggity Zoom LLC
Virginia Beach VA
[email protected]
Tags: experts, family, Kids, parents, teachers, Website, ziggityzoom