Zingaya launches. New generation click-to-call widgets service.

Zingaya is a web service that provides a new voice communication channel. A widget that can be easily embedded into any web page allows the site visitors to call you with one click.

Zingaya is a web service that provides a new voice communication
channel. A widget that can be easily embedded into any web page allows
the site visitors to call you with one click. Calls are forwarded to
pre-set fixed/mobile numbers, Skype or SIP. The visitors don't need to
have a phone for conversation, the only thing required is a

Zingaya helps eCommerce to convert site visitors into customers and
offers a free plan for social web users with call forwarding to Skype.


Zingaya provides with advanced feature set for business users: calls recording, working hours, voicemail, binding to site name and others.

Look&feel of each the widget can be customized to fit customer's needs.


Tags: click to call, live call, web call, widget

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Alexey Aylarov
Press Contact, Zingaya Ltd.