When getting a personal loan, people used to turn to their traditional bank. They had to accept a cumbersome process, any pricing or terms with little transparency, and often face rejection without explanation. But, now, Europeans are taking back control of their own loans with the help of a small Danish startup.
Read MoreNorth Bay Credit Union (NBCU) announces continued efforts to bring safety to marijuana-related businesses (MRBs) through its partnership with Hypur Inc. (Hypur). NBCU plans to serve MRBs by helping them eliminate cash from their business practices, creating safer businesses and communities throughout California.
Read MoreHypur Inc. (Hypur) announced today that it has partnered with Temescal Wellness (Temescal) to launch Hypur Payments at their retail locations. Hypur brings a secure, reliable way for consumers to pay for cannabis. Hypur Payments is safer than using cash, faster than using an ATM, and more reliable than work-around payment options like stored value systems and cryptocurrency.
Read MoreDLT Ventures LLC is a newly formed joint venture between Ternio and Distributed Ledger that will develop and deploy applications for international-based organizations exceeding $50 billion in annual revenue in the media, banking and telecom industries.
Read MoreThe finance industry is being transformed by emerging technologies. Futurist Jack Uldrich will discuss the opportunities and challenges this could create for banks around the world, with a focus on China.
Read MoreAcclaimed Futurist Jack Uldrich to share his insights on future trends in a variety of industries this month, including manufacturing, utilities, construction, wealth management, insurance, banking, and information technology
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