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Press Release
Feb 22, 2016
Is There Fire Behind All the Smoke? Do Due Process and Rule of Law Apply to the Realm of Financial Regulatory Agencies?
When do actions taken by a Gov't regulatory and enforcement agency lose the protection rendered by 'good faith' clauses and become crimes? Are public officials immune from prosecution for any crime committed during their course of duty by invoking a 'Good Faith' clause? If the allegations facing British Columbian public officials are true can they really be protected from Perjury, Tampering, Fraudulent Concealment, Entrapment, etc. by invoking 'Good Faith'?
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Press Release
Feb 4, 2016
How Are Fake FBI Agents, South Carolina Bank Fraud and the BC Securites Commission All Connected?
Why would the BC Securities Commission ignore con-artists posing as FBI agents in order to commit fraud inside its jurisdiction? Why then would it spend all its efforts trying to entrap innocent victims instead? Why does the BCSC hide behind cardboard cut-outs? What is the BC Securities Commission afraid of? The truth?
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Press Release
Jan 31, 2016
Why Does a Regulatory Agency Hide Behind Cardboard-Cutouts? Where Did All Their Lawyers Go?
We went to the BCSC for help as innocent victims, how could the BCSC a regulatory agency mandated with enforcing a ethical, fair and just financial marketplace justify entrapping us instead of helping us? What is the BC Securities Commission hiding? Why all the lies and deception? Why did the BC Securities Commission insist on prosecuting the U-GO brands directors for crimes it knew we did not commit? Why hold back hearings transcripts from us?
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