Better is a powerful mental health app created by leading British consultant psychotherapist John Halker and experienced marketer Peter Grange, Co-Founders of the Channel Island-based Better App Company. They created the award-winning Better Stop Suicide app, which has saved lives, including an Italian woman who is now translating all the company's apps for that market and an 11-year-old boy, who was one of the Better app testers.
Read MoreBetter is a powerful mental health app created by leading British consultant psychotherapist John Halker and experienced marketer Peter Grange, Co-Founders of the Channel Island-based Better App Company. They created the award-winning Better Stop Suicide app, which has saved lives, including an Italian woman who is now translating all the company's apps for that market and an 11-year-old boy, who was one of the Better app testers.
Read is a new web-site specializing only on content about mindfulness and meditation apps. The number of such apps is increasing rapidly just as the interest in such apps does. So it can be quite confusing for beginners to choose the right mobile app to facilitate their meditation and mindfulness practice. is designed to help making the right choice.
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