Todd J. Lifson, a partner in Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP, a Minneapolis-based audit, tax and consulting firm, has received an International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) certificate.
International Financial Reporting Training (IFRS) course starting on 10th and 12th february 2012 by PIRON Corporation. Enroll yourself today by calling @+91-9971799957 for a free session.
Oracle Hyperion DRM and Analytical MDM Methodology Enable Productivity Increase of 30 to 50 Percent; Reduction in Time-to-Close up to 70 Percent
Launched in August 2010, is a news-site dedicated to broadcasting the latest news related to Audit/Assurance.
Global IFRS market leader IASeminars announces expanded IFRS training opportunities across the United States, including featured 2-day IFRS Basics training in Chicago this Autumn