piezosystem jena presents the new product of piezobased long travel stages - the SCANIUS-LINE. Starting with the SCANIUStwo XY stage, piezosystem jena will introduce new stages in the following months.
Read MoreNoliac offers a free, online course about actuators for dynamic applications April 12. The webinar gives an introduction to dynamic piezoelectric actuators, and describes the important calculations necessary to estimate the behaviour of a dynamic system. Finally, the aspects of heat dissipation are also introduced.
Read MoreNoliac introduces fuse piezoelectric actuator stacks with a significantly higher reliability than conventional piezo actuator stacks. The technology is designed to maintain functionality even when a section of the actuator is damaged, consequently preventing so-called catastrophic failures.
Read MoreNoliac will continue to offer the popular free webinars about piezo technology in 2016. All the existing webinars have been updated and new webinars added. In addition, Noliac is introducing webinars focusing specifically on new products. The first webinar is an introduction to the new shear stacks XYZ on January 26!
Read MoreNoliac launches shear stack XYZ, a multi-axis shear stack actuator with active XYZ axes. The lateral motion of the product is due to the piezoelectric shear effect. The shear stack XYZ is a very compact solution useful for many different types of applications. At the same time, Noliac extends the range of shear plates.
Read MoreNoliac is launching a strain gauge for piezoelectric actuators. This is an add-on used to ensure linearization of displacement response and compensate for creep and hysteresis. The strain gauge can be fitted to plate and ring piezo actuators, and a version for piezo benders will follow.
Read MoreNoliac has expanded the ranges for piezo components to the largest sizes to date in the shapes of discs, rings and plates. The expanded ranges will give customers even better possibilities to custom design piezo components to match piezo-based applications.
Read MoreAt the webinar September 24 there is a live introduction to the basics of piezo actuators. Learn about the different actuator designs, and how to select the right actuator for specific applications.
Read MoreAt our free webinar Motor devices on Wednesday May 27th, you will learn about the different piezoelectric motor designs, how they perform and how to select a piezoelectric motor to match your specific requirements.
Read MoreWhen the doors open to this year's Stockholm Furniture Fair on the 5th of February, LINAK will present a new, exciting kitchen project. The project is produced in cooperation with the Danish kitchen manufacturer Multiform.
Read MoreCreodyne, LLC was awarded a $150,000 SBIR Phase I research grant from the National Science Foundation to study the feasibility of using biological shapes and engineering principles to develop next generation wind power devices.
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