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Press Release
Sep 7, 2019
Seawater Desalination: A Solution Water Shortage: AMPAC USA
An increasing number of instances have been surfacing from all across the globe about water shortages all around. AMPAC USA in this write-up shares the different alternatives, solutions, and ways we can put to use to avoid the problem seawater desalination included. The technology has been a boon for countries like Israel where today the nation produces more agricultural goods than it needs. AMPAC with its 28 years of experience shares with us some of the ways to help push back day zero for a longer time.
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Press Release
Aug 3, 2019
AMPAC USA CEO on the Crucial Purpose of Offshore Water Makers
Offshore Water Makers have been a boon for the Military, Ocean, Marine, Oil, and Gas Industry. Made for intensive water desalination, these pieces of equipment have helped the industry strive for longer in the sea. Operating on the principle of advanced reverse osmosis, these were not used around 20 years ago, although their effectiveness holds true to date. Sammy Farag, CEO of AMPAC USA, a leading manufacturer of treatment systems for 30 years, talks about how these systems are effective in many industries today.
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Press Release
Jul 23, 2019
Wastewater Treatment With Reverse Osmosis for Sustainability - AMPAC USA
As the world moves further towards dangerously low water levels, it demands a solution that can quench the thirst of millions while still maintaining ecological balance. The new alternative to lakes and rivers is now wastewater treatment. The process is gaining popularity among many countries as a viable option for recycling their waste and turning it into something useful. AMPAC USA, in this article, discusses how the procedure has gained momentum.
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Press Release
Jul 6, 2019
AMPAC USA CEO Talks About Increase in Reverse Osmosis Purifier Market
The need for better purification technologies has led the world to RO, which was a luxury 10 years ago. Today, companies have made the technology accessible to people from every walk of life at the lowest of costs. In this piece, the CEO of AMPAC USA, Sammy Farag, talks about the clear increase in the market for Reverse Osmosis Purifiers, which is owed to the pollution caused in sources of water around the world. This comes following multiple compromised sources of water that have put the health and lives of people around the world in danger.
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