JB is Now Serving as the National Ambassador for NutriMost
The Training Circuit focuses on inspiring, training and motivating individuals to lead happy, balanced and healthy lives.
On Tuesday, February 17 at 6:00 PM in Walnut Creek, California, Cambiati will host "Get Your Sexy Back." Find out how one CAN indulge in dessert and feel great about one's body.
In the initial visit, the medical staff of the program takes the comprehensive medical history physical exam, EKG and blood work to determine the participant's current health.
StarFit Studio is a dynamic small group personal training program designed exclusively for women. In addition to exercise, our licensed nutrition counselor will walk you through a personalized eating plan that meets the demand of your busy lifestyle.
Workout and diet with our specialists who research and assign you the unique dietary plus workout plans at Liveinfitness camp...