Z Animation is proud to announce that artist and designer John Jay Cabuay is available for illustration work.
It is with great pride, and a bit of surprise, Z Animation celebrates its 10th Anniversary.
Z Animation is thrilled to welcome animation director Dustin Grella to its award-winning roster.
Peter Barg, EP/Founder of Z Animation proudly announces David Goldman has agreed to represent ZA.
Z Animation and Director Adam Byrd have created two :30 and two :15 second spots for restaurant chain Bojangles' Famous Chicken 'n Biscuits.
GS&F picked Z Animation, (www.zanimation.tv), and director, John Ryan to design and animate a campaign of 4 spots for their client Lee Company.
Orrin Zucker, director of animations that delve into the outrageous and absurd yet always brilliant and hilarious, has joined the ranks of Z Animation, headed by Executive Producer Peter Barg.